back to article Go away, kid, you bother me: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla kick W3C nerds to the curb

The organization that tries to advance web technology standards – the World Wide Web Consortium or W3C – has run into a roadblock: Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla. Earlier this week, the four major browser makers expressed dissatisfaction with the W3C's DOM 4.1 specification, which defines a variety of new capabilities …


      1. smallbang

        Korean endeavor

        The "" mail (ETRI-AS-KR) appears to be routed to a south korean entity described as 'Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute':

  1. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge


    Sounds like some rather borderline review site.

  2. smallbang

    Browsers using W3C-anything should be flagged.

    If it looks fake then it's probably fake. Very, very questionable conduct:

  3. smallbang

    The dot org

    The 'W3C's dot org is registered with a french registrar and with no mailing address

  4. smallbang

    Active cyber incident

    If anybody else can confirm it as South Korean, then the code they propose for adoption by browser publishers should be security audited. They appear to be focused on 'payments'

  5. MrReal

    Forking hell.


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