Re: Perhaps developers should work offline
@Doctor Syntax
"problems inherent in supplying product to a mass market" yes there are additional problems but then again the rewards are greater and yet strangely the security tends to be lower.
I see posters here suggesting that complex projects demand "team" development when the reality is that it is just cheaper to get in a few people who know what they are doing and a lot of amateurs who need to be told.
The sad truth is that there are programmers who can code without allowing any errors in the final product and then there is the majority who have been programmed to believe it doesn't matter.
Add in development tools that are themselves insecure and management who value only getting the product out the door.
Thus we have bad/insecure code simply because it is deemed cheaper in the short term than doing it right. As the saying goes if you pay peanuts then you get monkeys
It used to be that if you wanted a computer based solution, you went to a guy who built the hardware, software basically everything from scratch, if he had to get help then clearly he was the wrong guy. Now we roll out "qualified" developers who could not build the hardware, have no clue how to write an OS and need a existing development package to write even just an office suit. How can anyone doubt that trusting these guys is a bad idea.
You could blame the education system, the employers the users or you could just accept that unless you are that guy then you are an imposter, you are the reason for the "bugs" and vulnerabilities, simply because you do not know better. Better to have given matches to children.
One guy on his own can still code everything, it might taker longer but if it is the right guy then he only has to write it once. When you add up the costs of updating and downtime then is the current situation actually cheaper for anyone, personally I think it is far to expensive to be allowed to continue