Re: shoreditch???
>>>>The people who invented Stuxnet might equally think that was a good idea.
Sorry, I'd presumed stuxnet was written by someone intelligent, not some bozo who only know html5 and the minimal amount of <latest fad>.js
Spotted in Shoreditch, London's Hipster Central as well as the beating heart of Tech City, witness the labours of a GCHQ advertising team hoping to go viral. It's working, as you can see. Shoe-leather advertising Let's hope the tagging team avoids the mistake that IBM made in 2001 when it stencilled the streets of San …
"Sorry, I'd presumed stuxnet was written by someone intelligent, not some bozo who only know html5 and the minimal amount of <latest fad>.js"
Don't forget they'll be loading <latest fad>.js from or wherever else it is hosted, rather than privately.
What could possibly go wrong with that????