back to article SECRET draft copyright treaty LEAKED: Meet the Trans-Pacific Partnership

The text of the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) isn't as bad as we thought. It's worse. A draft, published by Wikileaks, offers a patent-and-copyright wish list that would see the infamous DMCA automatic take-downs spread throughout the Pacific, plants and animals become patentable with few restrictions, …


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    1. raving angry loony

      Re: Wikileaks

      I quite it's time for El Reg and others to stop flogging the character assassination of Assange angle and start paying more attention to what Wikileaks and other such organizations have been leaking.

      This is an excellent start. Start, I say.

  1. Sir Runcible Spoon

    Global Thermo Nuclear Copyright

    The only winning move is not to play.

    1. Charles 9

      Can't even do that.

      Copyright is like thermodynamics: you can't win, you can't break even, and most importantly, you can't leave the game.

      1. Dr. Mouse

        Re: Can't even do that.

        Damn you, I've lost!

  2. Arthure B. Hynde

    Patenting animals and plants...

    ... coming from a country that opposes the evolution theory?

    If GOD created all beings he own them. Who the **** are you claim any rights in regards to their makeup, use etc.?

    Make up your minds, morons.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Patenting animals and plants...

      I think the difference is they think they are God.

      PS, let them. Then send the GoldFish PureBred Breeders Club on them! One of them is bound to keep a [stolen copyrighted likeness off a] goldfish in the oval office!

  3. Alistair


    I just peeled off a three page rant.

    And then decided not to post it -- a lot of it was almost incoherent.

    Its bad enough that the objectives in here feed only CORPORATE interests, but that the effort was done entirely or at least attempted entirely in secret turns my stomach.

    Government of the people by the corporates for the corporates.

    This makes it clear how wrong things really are in the world today.

    10 minutes of relevant listening

    (yeah its youtube, you don't have to comment ya know)

  4. raving angry loony

    It's the tag team of East India Company and London Company of Stationers back with their fondest wish list - and it looks like they'll be getting it.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    In America, our government tried to hide the spying that it is doing on American citizens from the Citizens. Snowden exposed this. However the governments response was go proceed with spying on every citizen with full speed ahead. Now the US government is trying to hide this from the American people. When are the people in the US going to realize that there is a hot war going on between them and the US government benefiting major corporations?

  6. Josh Holman

    I don't see what the big deal is...

    Of course we're at war with EastIndia, we've always been at war with EastIndia.

  7. Nick Ryan Silver badge

    Am I the only one...

    Am I the only one... who after reading about this kind of reprehensible arsehattery, feels a sudden need to start downloading and distributing as much copyrighted material as possible just to spite and stick a finger up at them while we can?

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Don't worry, everything's OK

    The UKIP will be along Real Soon Now (TM) to defend the UK's independence.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Seems one thing's been left out of this piece of toilet paper: a copyright trade embargo for any country that signs the treaty but does not ratify it. This would put pressure on the various signatory governments to ratify it since this would be enforceable by the ones that DO ratify it, barring the non-ratifiers from obtaining any copyrighted content from ratifying countries.

    Sort of like how American states set a drinking age of 21 because they don't want to lose federal transportation support.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What the hell?!

    George Orwell warned us about this in his iconic work "1984".

    As it stands, every time I play a DVD at the moment if it is (1) damaged and my player has kludged "read no matter what" firmware and HW mod, (2) purchased from any second hand shop, (3) copied, format shifted, or otherwise transferred through an "unauthorized" device such as through a Macrovision filter so it will play on my antique circa 1997 TV, I'm breaking the law.

    Bluray is even worse, you have to be connected to the Internet just to play a disk due to the requirement for firmware upgrades and woe betide you if you happen to still have dialup or 3G dongle because it will NOT work.

    At this point the gloves are off, Its time the MPAA and M*ns*n*o had a wake-up call.

    We the people DEMAND action, this bill has to die before we end up enslaved.

    AC but I am human and have ethics.

  11. cupperty

    The UK and Europe are also discussing a treaty


    The worrying feature of this treaty (discussed in the link) is that it gives American corporations the ability to sue democratic countries for, for example, not allowing their mining exploits on environmental grounds.

    It is a race to the bottom.


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