What the hell?!
George Orwell warned us about this in his iconic work "1984".
As it stands, every time I play a DVD at the moment if it is (1) damaged and my player has kludged "read no matter what" firmware and HW mod, (2) purchased from any second hand shop, (3) copied, format shifted, or otherwise transferred through an "unauthorized" device such as through a Macrovision filter so it will play on my antique circa 1997 TV, I'm breaking the law.
Bluray is even worse, you have to be connected to the Internet just to play a disk due to the requirement for firmware upgrades and woe betide you if you happen to still have dialup or 3G dongle because it will NOT work.
At this point the gloves are off, Its time the MPAA and M*ns*n*o had a wake-up call.
We the people DEMAND action, this bill has to die before we end up enslaved.
AC but I am human and have ethics.