back to article AntiLeaks boss: We'll keep pummeling WikiLeaks and Assange

As the nine-day DDoS hammering of WikiLeaks continues, hacking group AntiLeaks, has said that attacks will continue and widen, but have nothing to do with the Trapwire monitoring system the whistle-blowing site has been documenting. In an email conversation with The Register, someone claiming to be the head of the AntiLeaks …


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        1. Scorchio!!

          Re: Assange can run...

          "It's not the Swedish charges that JA is worried about avoiding, that would probably not amount to much. No, it's the giftwrapping and presenting to the US of A afterward for a long holiday"

          This is an exquisite specimen of the silliness in the matter; Assange cannot be extradited from Sweden without the prior permission of the country to whom they present the EAW; this was deliberately included in the EU legislation on the matter to prevent just such attempts to sneak suspects out the back door, from a country with supposedly stronger ties to, e.g., the US. However, the UK is more likely to allow the US to take Assange than Sweden is, and the Swedes offered to allow the US case go ahead and have greater priority.

          So Assange, if he does go to Sweden, is less likely to end up in the US than if he stays in the UK. To suggest otherwise sounds very lower 6th and immature.

          HTH. HAVND

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Assange can run...

            However, once the case has been completed, and say he is cleared, can he then be re-arrested (now that it has nothing to do with the EAW as the case is over) and then held for extradition. Pressures on Sweden could be brought I dare say.

        2. Ian Michael Gumby

          @ AC 13:21 ... Re: Assange can run...

          Clearly you haven't been paying attention.

          Were Assange to go to Sweden to answer these allegations and subsequently be charged and tried, the US can't touch him until Sweden expels him. And lets be frank... After all of this mess Assange has created, he will be expelled from Sweden at the conclusion. Regardless of the conclusion he will be put on the first flight back home to his native Australia.

          We know this because of the following:

          1) Assange has made statements to the effect that he wanted to go back to Australia to be with his mum.

          2) Assange has made initial steps towards running for a political office in Australia.

          The US will do nothing until after the Swedish affair is completed. The US Government is in the process of a court martial of Manning. Based on the initial evidence presented in the Article 32 hearing, Assange was an alleged participant of the theft of information. This is why Assange already has a lawyer who is present at Manning's court case.

          Again, there is no credible reason or evidence that the US would act before it had to. In fact the US is in a better position by waiting than by trying to force a political issue.

          1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

            Re: @ AC 13:21 ... Assange can run...

            ".....In fact the US is in a better position by waiting than by trying to force a political issue." Especially during an election year. The Obumbler will not want this taking center-stage and disturbing the Faithful.

          2. This post has been deleted by its author

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Year 2024

    The Internet is dead.

    Every web server is subject to an active and ongoing DDos buy a competitor.

    Only is without challenge.

  2. Local Group

    Beloved Hacker

    If you weren't a believer in the subversion of the Internet before, the antics of AntiLeaks should push you over the line. With a wink and a nod from Washington, this group of ex-CIA agents can, at will, disrupt any website they choose to, including the website of the President of Ecuador. Without so much as a "Sorry" from Mr. Obama or Ms. Clinton.

    The pretense of its independence from US agencies is not credible. 'DietPepsi" should have called himself PlausibleDeniability, but couldn't afford to be that honest.

    Why did he go public to El Reg, if not to try to convince us that AntiLeaks was operating outside government sanction and approval.

    "I want to make it clear to all the conspiracy theorists out there that we have nothing to do with the United States Government or Trapwire," DietPepsi wrote, when questioned on the matter. "We find it quite humorous to read all these Twitter comments from people who suspect us of being NSA/CIA/FBI/or even WikiLeaks themself," and posted a similar statement online the following day."

    Well, if you say so, dude.

    It is obvious that what Academi, aka Xe, aka Blackwater is to the US Army, so AntiLeaks is to the CIA, DietPepsi's assurances notwithstanding.

    1. GitMeMyShootinIrons

      Re: Beloved Hacker

      Antileaks and similar groups (government/shady organisation backed or truly independent) are an inevitable response to anonymous, Wikileaks and any similar hacktivist type group. You hurt someone, they try to strike back. I'm surprised it took this long.

      In their own way they're both wrong - hacking and DDoS or mugging an old lady, raping a Swedish girl are all wrong, regardless of motivation.

      Call me old fashioned, but a crime is a crime, as defined by where it's committed. It's sad that the Internet has become as soiled as the real world, with security software firms replacing arms dealers as the only ones who gain - it certainly isn't the man on the street.

      1. Elmer Phud

        Re: Beloved Hacker

        "Call me old fashioned, but a crime is a crime, as defined by where it's committed."

        You're old fashioned.

        A crime is a crime as defined by those who make the laws.

        I'm sure that there are loads of 'crimes' you see as not being either worth of the title 'crime' or are inhumane and thus the criminals are those who pursue the accused.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Beloved Hacker

        "Call me old fashioned, but a crime is a crime, as defined by where it's committed."

        Call me more old fashioned, but some backward country declaring something a crime is not of any interest. If country X declares witchcraft a crime that doesn't make it so. If country Y declares being a Jew a crime, that doesn't make it so.

        Anybody can declare anything a crime. I'll decide for myself if I agree and, in essence, that's what a jury does too.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Robert Long 1

          "Call me more old fashioned, but some backward country declaring something a crime is not of any interest. If country X declares witchcraft a crime that doesn't make it so"

          It only matters if you are planning to visit or stay. The law is not a pick and mix stand where you can pick what you want to abide by. It applies to everyone equally within their borders and to ALL visitors to the country, ignorence is no excuse.

          You may not agree with them but break the local laws during a visit and you are at risk of arrest, trial, and if found guilty punishment for the offence.

          As an example, Kissing your partner in public is perfectly fine in the west but go to Dubai and you can be arrested, convited and end up in jail for it! (yes that has happened!) They have a conservative culture out there and you need to keep that in mind when visiting. Don't like it? Don't go there.

          Assange for his part is wanted under Swedish law for alleged offences in Sweden during a stay there. It is up to Sweden to handle this according to their own laws and for their own legal system to resolve. Your agreeing or disagreeing with the law just like my own opinion of it is irrelevent.

          As guests in any country we agree to abide by their laws by entering, there is no such thing as "tourist immunity".

      3. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Beloved Hackers aint no Crack Coders for Global Operating Devices into APPs

        "Antileaks and similar groups (government/shady organisation backed or truly independent) are an inevitable response to anonymous, Wikileaks and any similar hacktivist type group. You hurt someone, they try to strike back. I'm surprised it took this long." ..... GitMeMyShootinIrons Posted Tuesday 14th August 2012 06:33 GMT

        I'm not at all surprised it took so long and is so childish and ineffective, GitMeMyShootinIrons. It is pathetic PAR for their natural course of reaction. And they is way out of their depth and comfort zone and can expect to be petrified and even terrified and traumatised by what they will discover and experience ...... which in Creative CyberSpace Command and Control of Computers and Communications Centres of Virtual Operating Systems, is what will be presented to them because of their inherent failings in not being smart enough to realise the future with virtualisation without the stealthy intervention and invisible help of APT Machines with Perfect Being Immaculate Drivers ........ which only need to always strive and decide to ensure are programs for perfection, to be as close to a faultless perfection as is needed, and makes no difference, to succeed with the faults that are invariably always inevitably uncovered in designing and running Applications to Programming for Projects

        1. Mystic Megabyte

          Too many words

          Dear Man from Mars, I have a friend who is a prolific letter writer of the pen and ink variety. He is very artistic and has an unusual handwriting style. His letters contain small doodles and smatterings of other languages. The result is that nobody can understand WTF they are about.

          I just thought that I'd share this with you. xx

          1. Scorchio!!

            Re: Too many words

            "Dear Man from Mars, I have a friend who is a prolific letter writer of the pen and ink variety. He is very artistic and has an unusual handwriting style. His letters contain small doodles and smatterings of other languages. The result is that nobody can understand WTF they are about."

            If you're familiar with Usenet you may remember Archimedes Plutonium and even Hammond, both of whom are reminiscent of this poster. "Mostly harmless"?

            1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

              Re: Too many words

              "Mostly harmless"? .... Scorchio!! Posted Tuesday 14th August 2012 10:44 GMT

              :-) That is a very nice loaded question, Scorchio!!, which is most certainly so probably most always so perfectly true nearly all the time, apart from those oft occasions whenever needs must deliver a corrective revision.

              Whenever things are kept really simple, can too few words also be misunderstood, with a classic being "Control Words Command Worlds" for those into Absolute Power Plays with Great CyberIntelAIgent Gamers ....... SMARTR ARGonauts

  3. Andy Gates

    Does Trapwire actually work?

    Does Trapwire actually work, or is it another bloated sales-pitch like the awesome powers of HBGary? El Reg, please investigate!

  4. This post has been deleted by its author

  5. g e

    How long

    Till Anonymous stuff DietPepsi?

    And is there a DietShirley ?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: How long

      NewCoke wouldn't last long.

  6. Tony Paulazzo
    Big Brother

    "I want to make it clear to all the conspiracy theorists out there that we have nothing to do with the United States Government or Trapwire," DietPepsi wrote

    Riiight... thanks for clarifying that to the rest of the world dear non government operative.

    As for Julian Assange... I think he might've been better (ie safer) staying in the public eye and going to Sweden. It's just as easy to send a crack CIA assasination guy to Ecuador - and probably a lot less cameras.

  7. Wize


    Aren't they saying something like:

    "They are terrorists and we hate the actions of terrorists. So we are stopping them by terrorist actions"

    1. Ian Michael Gumby

      Re: Hmm

      Yup, which is why I wrote the post 'Two wongs dont' make a wright'.

      That's part of the irony.

      The other part is that these guys are saying that they aren't affiliated with the US and yet people now believe that this is a US backed op.

      Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.

  8. Local Group

    "The hacker doth protest too much, methinks."

    Aye Madam, he bears furtive fardels, methinks.

  9. Local Group

    Re: @Scorchio!! and the legal theory of Ex Post Fuckto

    It's amazing what sexual participants think is important BEFORE the act of coitus and what they suddenly remember AFTER, as they smoke the cigarette representing the final curtain of their hour upon the sheets.

    As if these Swedes would be complaining and suing and extraditing if, instead of Julian Assange, their Lothario had been Scorchio McMuffintop.

    Our Scorchio's fate hanging by a used and moist condom as Assange's is now?

    I don't think so.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Why exactly is the "Chemical Industry Council of California" distributing that PDF ( Who are they and what do they have to do with computer security? That immediately made me reach for my tinfoil hat!

  11. tuseroni


    ...just saying.

    good luck taking wikileaks off tor.

    1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

      Re: tor...

      "....good luck taking wikileaks off tor...." I would wish you good luck using TOR is your defence mechanism. Why do you assume a system that is open and has been known about for years will have escaped the attentions of those you wish to avoid? Anyone can set up a TOR node, and anyone that can manage a little DNS poisoning is going to be able to deflect traffic away from the few TOR nodes you think may be secure.

  12. nuked
    Black Helicopters

    Why aren't we talking about Tripwire?

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Yeah, right

    The conspiracy theories are laughable. Any excuse to not take personal responsibility will work for the unscrupulous and their supporters.


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