Re: PR Fail
The exact analogy that occured to me.
When it comes to bombs, the more powerful they are, the bigger their impact. With a cyber-weapon, the opposite is true: the more powerful it is, the more limited the damage it causes. The deeper a bug can get into any given system, the less likely it is to trouble anything else. And that's why cyber-weapons aren't real weapons …
The evildoers will hack power stations and make them generate much dust, which will in turn change the weather, inducing snowfall. All of that previously simulated in a weather supercomputer.
No don your tinfoil and write "I will believe in cyber threats from now on" 100 times !
"...In short, Rid suggests ditching the spooks: "If we put GCHQ in charge of cyber security, by their clearly secretive nature, they won't be able to put public pressure on businesses...."
Up to 1994 we had a Government commercial security team. In 1994, the spooks ditched them, and took over their budget. At the time, people in the know said that this was a mistake....