Re: "How many "R"s are in the word strawberry?"
"What a waste of computing resources..."
While I don't necessarily disagree that asking it do do something so trivial is wasteful, you could say pretty much the same thing about most of YouTube, say. And computer games - there's a waste of computing resources if ever I saw one, and you won't catch me amongst the screen swipers and tappers during my downtime, oh deary me no.
Seems to me that these trivial tasks are the LLM equivalent of Hello World - pointless in themselves, and certainly not the best way to count Rs, but indicative of the model's capability and reliability. Which, while impressive in its way, is still not something I'd want to rely upon to do anything important, particularly if unsupervised.
Many people will though - YouTube is alive with videos praising it, with only a few pointing out limitations. This being the case, and given the appeal of the new model compared to OpenAI's offerings, how long will it be before its use is banned in Trumpistan? I mean, they don't like tiktok, they're spending billions dialing up the Stargate, and here's a seemingly superior model available for free or close to it. That's bad news, and might even be justified - if running the full fat model is difficult due to memory requirements, most will use the cloudy API, which means sending shedloads of potentially delicate data to the middle kingdom. Not good!
Still, I'm inclined to have a play with it for trivial, definitely non-confidential hobby projects. Might be fun