Dramatic tax reform necessary
AI and productivity growth will upend the global economy. Doing business is made harder than necessary, especially for individual contributors. Dramatic tax reform is necessary:
1. Abolish personal income tax. People should not be punished for working. The only personal taxes should be medical and social security by individually chosen insurance tiers with a minimal obligatory level.
2. Tax consumption instead. Expand the definition of consumption. More below.
3. Property and land ownership is consumption. Tax it based on land area occupied (flats in high-rise would be taxed proportionally less), insurance value, police officer per population nearby, cost of public infrastructure accessible. In Europe there is a lot of empty property - the tax will push it into productive usage.
4. Corporate property to be taxed as 3. Exempt food-producing land and publicly accessible forests. Include environmental costs.
5. Taxation for military protection: both 3 and 4 must contribute accordingly (that is likely much more than now).
6. Abolish corporate tax and all other business taxes. Instead always charge VAT, even business-to-business. This will simplify and stimulate business activity. No more social and medical contributions for employees.
The VAT could be modified to stimulate or discourage specific business activities. And since being the only tax, it would enable simple analysis of its impact. Regulation will become much easier. For example a business with good sanitary records could be charged smaller VAT. Insurance companies could be involved to define the values correctly. New companies would pay higher VAT because of legal risks. Charge more for environmental impact, for example, a toxic paint should have higher VAT than a bio-degradable.
Minimal VAT for highly nutritious food. No VAT for baby food and related hygienic products. Minimal VAT for educational services and materials.
7. No capital gains tax. Investment is saving (not consumption), which should be encouraged.
8. No tax on saving account interest. Savers have been sufficiently screwed by inflation and zero-interest policies.