back to article China suggests America 'carefully consider' those chip investment bans

China has formally asked the United States to reconsider rules curbing investments in companies based in the Middle Kingdom. According to Chinese telly, the request came from China's Council for the Promotion of International Trade — a division of the country's Commerce Ministry. The group argued an executive order signed by …

  1. deevee

    The USA is only hurting themselves with this trade war against China.

    China has proven resilient, and not dependent on American technology, but is now on the receiving end of no more money, no more rare earth minerals and no more cheap finished products.

    BRICS will end the USA, and send them into a long and deep recession, from which they won't recover, but will emerge from as a new 3rd world country.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Those raw materials aren't rare, but the world has been happy to let China do it because of cheap labor, massive state subsidies, and the process it's self being rather expensive. Now Europe and the U.S both are looking to refine more of these critical elements, and are negotiating a critical element accord.

      As for cheap finished products Vietnam etc have been happy to take on production being moved out of China.

      China will get old before it gets rich. Economic tofu dregs just like their buildings.

      1. TheInstigator

        > China will get old before it gets rich. Economic tofu dregs just like their buildings.

        Glad to see racism is still alive and kicking

    2. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

      Not really. Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and Trump's cult are all viciously power hungry and unstable. Would you trust any of them? It's a good time for all to examine their foreign dependencies.

      The trade war isn't causing a recession. It's the hostile political environment. It's not going to fix itself anytime soon because people sane enough to lead aren't going to jump into the current dumpster fire.

  2. JimmyPage

    This is where capitalism has failed.

    I'm in my 50s, and cannot fathom how the country which invented* the transistor, and integrated circuits, and PC managed to end up unable to make the damn things themselves.

    It's a reformulation of the old truism: Works; on time; on budget. Pick any two.

    You either have foreign companies and lots of cheap shit. Or you have a few domestic companies and a lot less but more expensive shit.

    You can't have both.

    And I am not really seeing more capitalism as the answer to the failings of capitalism.

    *I'm not really looking for a debate on the intricacies of that assertion. For the purposes of asking "WTF happened" it's good enough.

    1. katrinab Silver badge

      Re: This is where capitalism has failed.

      Trade embargos is mercantilism, not capitalism. Of course China has engaged in lots of mercantilism as well.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: This is where capitalism has failed.

      The same applies to emissions. The UK dances around its handbag celebrating lower CO2 emissions, when all that's actually happened is that government policy has encouraged de-industrialisation, and then we buy stuff made elsewhere, and borrow the money to buy it. But those manufacturing emissions aren't ours, nor is the transport, so that's apparently fine.

      1. MyffyW Silver badge

        Re: This is where capitalism has failed.

        It embarrasses me to say, but in the last decade I'm not sure we're even as classy as dancing round our handbag

  3. Persona Silver badge


    It's vital that the US and China sever all trading links. It's just too difficult for countries to go to war when their supply chains rely on each other. Once their supply chains are secured they can have a war (preferably a cold one) and pour money into the pockets of their local "defense" firms.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Trade

      It's vital that all countries severe trade links with China until China becomes a reliable trading partner.

      Then, for sure, there will be no war.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Trade

        It's vital that all countries severe trade links with USA until USA becomes a reliable trading partner.

        Then, for sure, there will be no war.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Trade

          Ever been told that China is only good at copying?

          Thanks for proving this also applies to comments in ElReg.

          1. Persona Silver badge

            Re: Trade

            Many would see that as correction of a basic error rather than copying.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Trade

              Or just sarcasm at the idiotic simplicity of the original statement.

              Pity anyone who tries to read el Reg and can't cope with sarcasm!

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Trade

            > Ever been told that China is only good at copying?

            Wasn't it Japan that was only good at copying?

            Although, your idea does explain the claims the US invented paper, gunpowder etc first!

            Those rotten people at Huawei, copying all the 5G designs.

            1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

              Re: Trade

              Those rotten people at Huawei, copying all the 5G designs. ... Anonymous Coward

              Apparently, if you can believe what is easy to read, is the West now desperately concerned and extremely worried about greater possible leading Eastern advances in the development of 6G technology/infrastructure/networks/programs and projects ........

              They certainly realise the importance of being paramount in the vanguard of such a future stage able to offer/guarantee security in communications developments.

              1. TheInstigator

                Re: Trade

                Maybe the DoD could ask the Chinese for help - I've heard they're quite good at 5G

    2. TheInstigator

      Re: Trade

      I want a hot war - one involving several nuclear weapons

  4. Will Godfrey Silver badge
    Black Helicopters

    A simple question?

    I wonder which country has the best record for long-term planning.

    1. G.Y.

      Re: A simple question?

      Note: The US federal government shuts down at midnight EST on 9/30/23

      1. Dimmer Silver badge

        Re: A simple question?

        Not if they can stop the insurrection from pulling the fire alarms to stop the vote.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "that's what America wants to do at the moment: reduce its dependence on foreign supply chains".

    I don't think that's the case, USA wants to have reliably cheap goods, without the slaves rebelling. This is proved by all the big companies outsourcing everything they can to the cheapest workers, wherever they may be.

    What could work better is if China didn't want transfer of IP, and all companies being partially owned by the state, but then, maybe the companies will just behave like in the other countries, buying politicians to make the laws they want.

  6. Nasu

    Based on US "rules" China should blacklist Boeing, Apple and Intel brcause Boeing, Apple and Intel produce products that are used by the US military.

    In fact the US needs to stop all agricultural exports to China...which are being used to feed Chinese soldiers

  7. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Just in case you are wondering ...Is there anything else available?

    Here’s something worth reading, if you want to know who and/or what is worth following and leading? ........A Global Community of Shared Future: China's Proposals and Actions

    TL;DR? Oh dear! That is a shame which goes a long way to explaining where and why everything is going so constantly and increasingly quickly wrong in, and for, the West, their elitists and their puppets and their unsuspecting minions. They, and you may be similarly amongst them, be denying themselves information and knowledge of greater alternative Oriental options, readily available, which is bound to result in civil Western unrest and domestic internal upheaval ........ aka Troubles akin to Revolution.

    Denying that scenario is a distinct possibility, has one ever more likely to physically experience the probability of its remote virtual realisation, for that is the sort of ACTion the Future and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT can nowadays in spaces that are also places easily deliver and supply, monitor and mentor.

    Capiche, Amigos ‽ .

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Re: Just in case you are wondering ...Is there anything else available?

      Oh ...... and what do you imagine it will be, whilst knowing so little of what is to be, Is it more likely to be an exotic, erotic, esoteric Eastern delight or is there any chance that wild, wacky, wonderfully wicked Western confections will triumph to demonstrate and deliver their worth with the exercise of attractive richly generative programs inclusive of all but the wilfully wholly despicable and totally reprehensible?

      A simple binary choice indeed, but things really are these days, with the advent and weaponisation of Odays and critical systemic vulnerabilities, no more complicated than that if you are free to choose or not hopelessly trapped in a manic prison of mindless madness and manifest mayhem.

    2. This post has been deleted by its author

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Aren't we lucky...

      ... to be fed with links to Chinese propaganda in El Reg comments???

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge
        Big Brother

        Re: Aren't we lucky...

        ... to be fed with links to Chinese propaganda in El Reg comments??? ..... Anonymous Coward

        Does it taste any different, either worse or better, AC, from any of the English bullshit so freely available virtually anywhere you may care to venture or mention?

      2. TheInstigator

        Re: Aren't we lucky...

        So if anyone says any supporting words on China it's propaganda?

        So everyone must only say bad things about China? So if I said they make good food, is that ok? because it's not about IT?

        I'd like to know exactly how far/what I can say about what country in the universe you live in - it seems kinda Orwellian

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