One for a Priti Patel and Supreme Court Justice Puppets to Ponder Prevaricating Pompously On
One imagines that non prosecution agreement for a trio of former US NSA operatives/spooks working and encouraging and paying other former US intelligence operatives to further the interests of a foreign power via clandestine means which expose proprietary US national security secrets renders definitely the Julian Assange extradition case, a wilfully gratuitous political persecution and international crime against a human and humanity ..... with support for such an outcome manifestly evil in the extreme and contrary to all streams of the greater good and prime sane reason.
"It may also be that the government did not want to risk having to reveal government secrets if a criminal prosecution had gone to trial,"
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Let me tell y'all a secret which it is wise to remember to never forget. A criminal prosecution gone to trial does not reveal government secrets preferred to be thought widely unknown and exclusive, an NDA plea bargain non prosecution instance more effectively spills those crown jewels exposing systemic weaknesses and critical vulnerabilities most likely liable to viable and reliable foreign and alien attack as perls before swine.
And methinks at $1,685,000 that is the bargain basement steal of the century/millennium.