Apparently it never rains but it pours ... and oft can there be deluges of epic biblical proportions
When things are bad they can be very bad. When things can be very good they are guaranteed to be very bad for things that are bad and/or not good and great. The problems and battles that you might see and realise are all before you now with the likes of algorithms, and you are racing headlong blindly forward to try to control and mitigate with regulation in fields that are beyond your command, are only the tip of the titanic dilemma you will have to deal with and submit to in order to survive and prosper as if in the lead with changing fundamentals presenting events/future views elsewhere ..... for there is no other available option to choose.
The likes of the following, which is available in all sorts of custom flavours dependent upon the assets and liabilities of targeted customers/valued clients, is that which confronts you and should you try to deny exists, compete against injudiciously or oppose wholeheartedly, can simply decide to thwart you via ITs very strange means and virtual memes. IT and AI are very good and great at that.
amanfromMars [2204290825] ....... saying more on
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Well, well, well, Stew Magnuson, that's quite another AWEsome type development surely [UKGBNI Army Warfighting Experiment] ...... so maybe not anything really new to that and those with more than just experimental experience in the field with its many very sensitive, highly proactive virtual arenas of relatively anonymous engagement realising that having leading skin in the game is akin to being able to name one's own price for what one would know and be prepared to share about how to enable and/or disable vital elements and virulent components within it whenever one likes ...... which to be perfectly honest with all, one needs to be thinking and realising easily costs failing opposition and trailing competition crippling sums in the trillions, given the nature of that which is discovered as one delves ever further and deeper into that which is uncovered and energised.
However, it may very well be the case, that expanding command and control of such developments across all militarised and para-militarised services is not something which can similarly scaled up and expanded, and such will thus always remain in the secure and failsafe grip of a very select few indeed ........ which I suppose is quite normal and therefore fully to be expected ..... and such will always be, as has always been the case, a private/pirate sector/body leading from way out in front of all others in the public and military and paramilitary sectors which will always be dependent upon that which is fed back down to them from that which is phormed and active way up ahead of them.
And as more information and intelligence escapes and merges in these times and spaces of 0days and Remote ACTive [Advanced Cyber Threat] Access Trojans will there be more instances of evidence in support of a drift towards a unifying singularity of purpose and destination, for the following which was also very recently shared with you here on National Defense Magazine in a comment on your article entitled "JUST IN: Startup Creates Simulator for Info-Warfare Ops" 4/27/2022 says very much the same as all in the above ......
“A U.K. startup has introduced computer-based training software that simulates the information environment warfighters encounter during conflict.”
To only imagine that as something relatively novel and not also realise it long active as a well practised model [modi vivendi/operandi] deployed virtually everywhere and exercised by all manner of private and pirate and public operations/operands, some renegade rogue and malevolent and other not so, identifies one as being catastrophically vulnerable to the programs presented by the very best of the best in their class in the Live Operational Virtual Environment/Virtual Information Environment chosen for remote manipulation and sublime alteration/metadatabase adjustment.
And its success, and one would be very wrong to deny such developments are remarkably successful, has one having to admit that the true nature of one’s human existence is led by remote spookily strange entangled virtual stimulation of thoughts for activation in simulation arenas copied to/from Earth ……. which has one pondering on whether it be a human Earth based project, which maybe can be interrupted or disrupted and prevented or an alien space based program which maybe cannot be interrupted or disrupted and prevented?