Too Scary, Too Complicated
As with every nontrivial technical endeavor, one should apply the KISS principle. Demonstrate your innovative idea in a way that is as straightforward as possible. You can always perfect it later.
What does this mean ?
Don't use the gcc infrastructure, instead generate C or C++ code and let existing compilers do the optimization and architecture-specific work. Debugging a compiler that emits C++ is way much easier than debugging ASTs and machine code. As an added benefit, your compiler will be able to run on almost any CPU, because almost any CPU has a C++ compiler.
This is what I did here
The innovative aspect is that this language is a memory safe C++ variant. All the goodies of C++ plus single- and multi-threaded memory safety, due to a type system which "knows" of single- and multi-threaded sections of the program.
There exist Eiffel compilers which use a similar concept of emitting memory-safe C.