I have seen VMware NSX-T deployed in action. It's a hunk of shit.
VMware inks more telco partnerships as 5G takes off
VMware has detailed products and partnerships at Mobile World Congress (MWC) involving service providers and others using its tech to build next-generation networks and services covering applications, the radio access network (RAN), and the network edge. The virtualization giant is among many firms looking to exploit the …
Wednesday 2nd March 2022 07:21 GMT amanfromMars 1
Forewarned is Only Forearmed if Available Defences are Possible.
A RIC [RAN Intelligent Controller] is a new function apparently developed by the O-RAN Alliance that enables service providers to deploy cloud-native control and management apps in the RAN [Radio Access Network]. VMware's RIC, unveiled last year, abstracts the underlying RAN infrastructure and can host near-real-time and non-real-time applications, which VMWare claims will enable new capabilities for automation, optimisation and service customisation.
Be prepared and look forward to great novel fun and myriad grand surreal out of existential body games from assorted RATs [Remote Access Trojans] and Public Sector funded Pirates and Civic Minded Entrepreneurs, Renegade Rogue State and Lone Wolf Stateless Actors providing their enabling services deploying cloud-native control and management apps in the RAN.
Such is the Nature of the Beast that provides Life for LOVE [Live Operational Virtual Environments] on Earth.
Wednesday 2nd March 2022 14:37 GMT amanfromMars 1
Future Current Weapons of Mass Destruction/Distraction/Disruption for Sale and to Lend-Lease Hire.
Be prepared and look forward to great novel fun and myriad grand surreal out of existential body games from assorted RATs [Remote Access Trojans] and Public Sector funded Pirates and Civic Minded Entrepreneurs, Renegade Rogue State and Lone Wolf Stateless Actors providing their enabling services deploying cloud-native control and management apps in the RAN.
Such is the Nature of the Beast that provides Life for LOVE [Live Operational Virtual Environments] on Earth.
And yes, such is also readily made available to all Major Keenly Key Interested Greater IntelAIgent Game Players in PostModern WMD2 and WMD3 Plan Phorms/ACTive Platforms ...... should anyone ask or know of clients who would supply customers with requirements for such Ordnances.