back to article Suspected Chinese spies break into cloud accounts of News Corp journalists

Online work accounts of News Corporation journalists were broken into by snoops seemingly with ties to China, it was claimed today. Rupert Murdoch's empire announced the security breach on Friday, describing it as a "persistent cyber-attack," and saying it had hired Mandiant to figure out what happened. It is believed the …

  1. elDog

    Supposedly the Chinese hacking a Russian asset (Murdoch) to undermine everyone else?

    I don't know. This smells like a planted mis-information campaign.

    Probably the Mordors trying to unseat the Trogs from the Garden of Eden.

    Meanwhile Pute meats [stet] with Zi and embraces horrors for everyone else. Unfortunately for them, they will also mutually annihilate.

    1. steelpillow Silver badge

      Re: Supposedly the Chinese hacking a Russian asset (Murdoch) to undermine everyone else?

      More likely Russia gave China the passwords it had scraped, as an example of their newformed Axis.

  2. Winkypop Silver badge

    News Corp hacked

    And nothing of any value was found.

  3. This post has been deleted by its author

  4. julian.smith
    Thumb Up

    Fake News Corp hacked

    "Online work accounts of News Corporation journalists": an oxymoron "journalists" don't work for Murdoch

    Milly Dowler's revenge

    Karma: Murdoch's Empire of Filth has a long history of hacking

  5. dafe

    So now it is no longer "Russian hackers", now it is "Chinese spies", whenever some script kiddies find an NSA backdoor.

    I can only guess that the change is because Kaspersky have given a reason recently to say "if we are going to be blamed anyway".

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Fiction and Lies.....

    Ha.....spoofed IP addresses again! Who knows where the hack ACTUALLY originated!

    But it's certainly NOT the Chinese or the Russians....after all who really wants to read fiction and lies from the Murdoch folk.....

    .....when more entertaining fiction and lies can be found know, Number 10 Downing Street, Mar-a-Lago.....

    1. steviebuk Silver badge

      Re: Fiction and Lies.....

      It would benefit Xi very much if he could use the breach to slip in bullshit articles into their papers.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Fiction and Lies.....

        How would we tell ?

        1. steviebuk Silver badge

          Re: Fiction and Lies.....

          :) true

  7. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Unavoidable, so get used to it and be forever uncomfortable if responsible but usually unaccountable

    Whenever media, be it mainstream or alternative, does not share the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, will they always be a rich juicy target for those who value and can easily monetise its worth, and which crushes opposition and competition supporting half truths, and is able to crash markets relying upon such terrible news reporting as an acceptable status quo arrangement and facility with utilities used, abused and misused to not reveal right dodgy shenanigans.

    Such a state of national, international and internetional affairs is only natural and fully to be expected always, anywhere ...... and more often too than ever was possible of late.

  8. Colonel Mad


  9. teknopaul

    Probably credential stuffing

    It must be hard coming up with a password policy in a company where the staff struggle with long words.

    1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      Re: Probably credential stuffing

      Given that current advice is three words joined as a password, 90% of Sun passwords are going to be TitsTitsArse.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "...espionage activities to collect intelligence to benefit China's interests."

    Does Murdoch own Mandiant? 2 journalists hacked and it's 1 stop from World War 3...?

  11. mark l 2 Silver badge

    Is this the same sort of 'hacking' that the NOTW journalists did when they accessed peoples voice mails without permission?

    It far more likely that they had passwords stuck on post-its on the side of their monitors or just a bit of social engineering to get hold of their login details, than any actual hacking going on.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Not Google

    The compromise won't be Google.

    News Corp do indeed sit on Google Workspace for collaboration etc. but their identity provider services are all done by Okta.

    Proof? Go to google and try to log in as You are immediately bounced to the front door of And it will be those logins that the bad actors have managed to compromise.

    Source: bloke who used to work there

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Not Google

      "Go to google and try to log in as"

      Or just fish their laptops out the nearest carpark dustbin and get in that way?

    2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: Not Google

      And it will be those logins that the bad actors have managed to compromise.

      I thought China were supposed to be responsible for this hacking?

      Now you're telling us it was Steven Seagal and Jared Leto...

  13. Peshman

    What's the movie reference?

    "Let the mayhem begin"

  14. Kev99 Silver badge

    How will anyone be able to tell which articles are not real now?

  15. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

    Olympic coverage?

    I've noticed that there's almost zero Olympics new coverage in the US. Maybe it's lack of interest this time around but I imagine the best reporters don't dare publicly appear in China these days. Maybe you said something sometime that angered somebody and now you need to be "re-educated."

    Not that the same reporters would want to be anywhere near a redneck party in the US either. Reporting is more dangerous, less honored, and less paying than it used to be. What's left is essentially paid advertising and clickbait.

    1. martinusher Silver badge

      Re: Olympic coverage?

      We don't need no stinkin' Olympics. Superbowl is next Sunday.

      (Actually, there is quite a bit of coverage of the Olympics in the media. It does tend to focus on human interest issues -- the evils of artificial snow and the danger that it poses to athletes (obviously our correspondents have never been to a Southern California ski resort), the quality of the food, the evils of quarantine and so on. We get the odd picture of a contest but as the US hasn't really started winning lots of medals yet there's nothing to report apart from that turncoat ice skater falling.....)

      1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

        Re: Olympic coverage?

        but as the US hasn't really started winning lots of medals

        Medals are awarded in the Winter Olympics? That wasn't something I was aware of, as a British sports fan. I thought the point of the Winter games was to do something inspiring, so people would make a film about you...

    2. steviebuk Silver badge

      Re: Olympic coverage?

      Because lots of people, as they should be, are trying to boycott it.

      China is nice, the Chinese people are nice, but Xi and his fucked up government aren't.

      Having watched at the weekend a podcast from 2 guys who lived there for over 10 years they've said its such a shame how it starting to go down hill when he took over power. They had footage of the Swedisd station attempting to do a report outside on stadium only for the local officials to move them along while they were filming live. They said this happens cause China wants to keep face & only wants them to film outside the nice looking statiums whereas they were down the back side road that looked shitty. They pointed out this is because most of Chinese reports are never live, they pre-record them and no doubt the security probably didn't realise they were filming live.

      1. Fr. Ted Crilly Silver badge

        Re: Olympic coverage?

        C-Milk + Winston ?

        Go on, ask 'em about the milk dogs...

        1. steviebuk Silver badge

          Re: Olympic coverage?

          Yep them two.

          Don't need to know about pregnant dogs.

    3. disgruntled yank Silver badge

      Re: Olympic coverage?

      I can't say what's on TV. However, the New York Times and the Washington Post both are giving pages and pages to the Olympics. Otherwise, how would I know that the Australian curling team had just beat the Canadians?

  16. Securitymoose

    Let's hope World War 3 is fought in Cyberland

    It will be a lot less messy than the alternative when Putin invades Ukraine.

  17. Uncle Ron


    IPv6. Everywhere. ASAP. Huh?

  18. batfink


    Perhaps they were after lessons in how to spread bullshit properly?

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