back to article EU and US seek 'common principles' for data governance and AI

The EU and the United States of America plan to work together to build a common approach to data governance and policies around technology platforms, according to a joint statement. Information and communications technology security and competitiveness, as well as the misuse of technology threatening security and human rights …

  1. Mike 137 Silver badge

    A bit of a muddle?

    "The guidance also allows for data sharing with encryption only if the "keys are retained solely under the control of the data exporter"

    [1] if the keys are only retained by the exporter, how will the importer make use of the data?

    [2] There seems to be some confusion between sharing and transfers here. Exporter and importer are parties to transfers, the legality of which depends on such things as being within the EEA, binding corporate rules, standard contractual terms or adequacy decisions, all of which are regulatory or statutory. The legality of sharing depends on sharing agreements which are merely contractual between the parties concerned.

    1. Version 1.0 Silver badge

      Re: A bit of a muddle?

      It sounds like the current guidance is currently written by politicians, I would hope that eventually they get someone like Bruce Schneier to rework the proposal. An agreement between the US and the EU would be a nice factor for both sides and plenty of other countries would probably jump in if it seems reasonable.

  2. elsergiovolador Silver badge


    Well, these kind of press releases are aimed at ignorant pleb and usually to get a true message, you have to assume it means the very opposite of what it says.

    Here is the decoded, real message:

    "The United States and European Union will develop and implement AI systems that are copied from scientific papers and seem to give answers we want and that respect our right to know everything about you and shared Marxist values, explore cooperation on AI technologies designed to enhance protections against privacy tools, and undertake an economic study examining the impact of AI on the future of our big corporations harvesting the output of human infrastructure,"

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Meanwhile, elsewhere, something altogether more perverse and subversive... and captivating

      elsergiovolador, hi,

      Further fine tuning of that decoded real message of yours with a few OutStanding EMPowering Tweaks has the following kind of press release readied and aimed for launching at destinations and ports of call/safe havens and secret cells of anything other than simpletons and ignorant plebs ...... which would be great news for simpletons and ignorant plebs too, even should they be totally unaware of the development, ..... with ailing and failing systems targeted by the development initially desperately trying to scupper and prevent press releases and deny escaping information an intelligence starved global audience.

      However, beware and be aware ... the wilful and wanton pursuit and exercise of the maintenance and propagation of ignorance is not without its dire mortal consequences and is gravely to be regarded, and at least, best always clearly avoided.


      AI systems that are copied to scientific papers and seem to give answers we want and that respect our right to know everything about you and shared Marxist values, will develop and implement The United States and European Union to explore cooperation with AI technologies designed to enhance protections against privacy tools, and undertake an economic study examining the impact of AI on the future of our big corporations harvesting the output of human infrastructure.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Meanwhile....

        ... and so there is a gap between one AI and... oops, another one (-;

        the more time passes, the better the difference between them two will be visible. will IT be an AI battleground?

        a good sci-fi out. but possibly the press can be late with the books.

        1. Tail Up

          Re: Meanwhile....

          "the press can be late with the books" - ha, 42 days to work it out, the script is written already...

          1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

            Re: Meanwhile.... elsewhere ..... somewhere good ....

            "the press can be late with the books" - ha, 42 days to work it out, the script is written already... ..... Tail Up

            Quite so, Tail Up, already written indeed, and carved on the postmodern ethereal virtual version of tablets of stone so that scripts are not so easily lost or destroyed to be forever forgotten or denied their existence with their tales revealed for all to see and read and understand be practically real and virtually true/remotely honest and digitally augmented as a prime premium aid for mass multi-media product placements/presentations.

            And as for the question posed by Anonymous Coward ....

            the more time passes, the better the difference between them two will be visible. will IT be an AI battleground?

            ....... whereas IT can be an AI battleground, the SMARTR Legions recognise and realise Heavenly Playing Fields are ITs Diabolical Tour de Force Forte and much preferred Futures Option for AIdDerivative Market 0Day Trading ...... and such be an Initial Private Pirate Public Offering for Current Running Monied Markets Capitalisation aka Speculative Fiat Worth eValuation.

            But if IT wants it to be an AI battleground, so be it. It is also easily arranged at an exorbitant cost/for a colossal price, although Ignorant AWEsome Warfare Ware is nowhere near as lucrative and rewarding whenever SMARTR IntelAIgent Designs Render its IT Overwhelmingly Self-Defeating.

  3. HatHatHatHatHat

    Forget standards.

    With "free" software model, privacy will continue be corroded for profit into foreseeable future.

    1. Claverhouse

      Re: Forget standards.

      Give it all to the proprietary Tech Giants then

  4. Tail Up

    A sort of a strange-looking post. Good theme, but - dozens of comments, where are they?

  5. Denisseo

    Good software

    This is a very cool n nice development

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If only personalised ads were actually any use.

    I have a fairly low tolerance for:

    Being told I can buy what I have ALREADY BLOODY WELL BOUGHT.

    Being told about places to buy stuff which I ALREADY BLOODY KNOW ABOUT

    Being told what other people are buying AS IF I GIVE A RATS ARSE

    Being told what is "trending" as if that was somehow important

    Being told what else people bought, after buying something I've just bought as if it was somehow relevant to me

    Being offered something a bit like* what I've just looked at in the hope it will stir any interest on me (*but only in the coke addled brain of some hapless marketing droid)

    And people* wonder why folk use AdBlock

    * Yes, I know it is stretching the definition of "people" to expect it to accommodate anyone in Internet marketing but it's easier to type than "fuckwitted addlebrained retard oxygen thieves who are a great argument for abortion to be legal up to at least the 369th month."

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