Quantum bubble sort
"AWS debuted a cloud quantum computing service the tech giant calls “accessible, affordable and easy to use”"
It's an AWS emulator of brute force algos.
So a company comes along "Quantum supremecy.... look how much faster our Quantum bubble sort is vs a digital computer bubble sort"!
And along comes Amazon, with a "Use a giant cluster of our AWS computers to emulate your 'quantum bubble sort'! It's so much cheaper than their fancy machine with its liquid nitrogen and magnets and finiky hardware. Instead of $20 million to sort your 1000 entry list, ours will do it for only $2 million on 1000 of our AWS server instances!
And then people point out that it doesn't actually sort correctly, a more sorted list is possible to find using proper digital sort algos!
"Quantum bubble sort needs more research...." they scream ".... we need billions to fix the error correction and get quantum bubble sort error free and unlock its potential"
Well either that, or it never worked the way you said it did, and it is an analogue computer.
elReg, a Thomas Buchert 'finite universe' article, or the "light from behind black hole" article would be nice.... there's some ''minor things' there....