The Quantum Leap Hurdle for Almighty Entry into Greater AI Races .....
............. Featuring Real Live Augmented Reality Events
He did, however, ponder hiring a team to see "if we can do something like email integration, for example, without going disturbing the work of the central team."
Ah Yes, ..... Ye Olde Stalwart Successful SkunkWorks Root ...... which can be extremely disturbing whenever Just Luscious Reward is so Almightily Tempting and Bewilderingly EMPowering.
Many a Troubled Soul has Failed Spectacularly to Survive and Prosper and Invest Deeper into the Source of such Source/the Core[s] of such an Ore. The Search though never done in Order to Provide and EMPower Guaranteed FailSafe Supply of COSMIC Feeds and Seeds for SMARTR Nurturing to Bounty for Harvesting with Further Enrichment Projects to Program and to Add and AIDevelop from the Profits Generated by Enterprises Adding Value and Core Ore Worth.
If you're a troubled soul travelling further on, either alone or in the company of others and strangers, through portals revealed here for transfer to anywhere or anyone else out there laying out Future Paths with Massive Networks for Complicated Creatures of Novel Habit, hang ten, take five, and breathe in the message to exhale and exort all to take care and pay real future attention to strange forces ally vying to attend to your needs and supply all your feeds and seeds.
Many more than just some are as a scum in a scam featuring snake oil sales teams. ....... and are gravely regarded.
The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present -- and is gravely to be regarded.
Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite. ....
Which is all very well, .......and thanks for the warnings, Ike. What are the plans for dealing with such an escalation of kernel privileges?