Re: Pravda?
Examples please. People spread lies about the new laws in Georgia. I offer them a copy of the new law, with each line of the document numbered, and ask for them to show where "voter suppression" is in the new law.
"They voted out the ballot drop boxes!" Ballot drop boxes were never voted in as law, it was a resolution due to the pandemic. They DID vote in that at least one ballot drop box has to be available, in a monitored location, in each county.
"They want you to have to show an ID before you can vote. My grandma can't get to the DMV and get a
state issued ID." I guess you missed out on reading the lines of what is an approved ID.
Does your granny get a Social security check, use Medicare/Medicaid? Does she have a Social Security Card then? Guess what, she already has one of the acceptable IDs.
"They set up the precincts so the lines are too long, you get thirsty, and hungry, and wait too long."
Water can be given out by poll workers if the line is long, food vendors (not representatives of candidates) can sell food and drinks, if the line is too long (more than an hour wait) in metro areas a bus set up for the election and extra poll workers will arrive and handle the overflow. (Yes, all that is in the new law.)
so, just keep listening to Sister Stacy, who is under investigation of attempting to register people from out of state, ineligible to vote (prisoners, illegal aliens) and dead people for the 2020 races.