So what's more profitable?
Do you make more money from ransomware or by selling insurance?
The White House has issued a communique to business leaders [PDF] urging them to take the threat of ransomware a bit more seriously. The memo, from deputy national security advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology Anne Neuberger, said the private sector has a “critical responsibility” to protect their businesses against …
"Firms were also told to keep regular offline backups, segment their networks, promptly apply security patches, test their incident response plans, and use the services of a third-party penetration tester to identify any potential vulnerabilities missed by internal staffers."
Meanwhile, in the real world, firms will continue to beef up their legal teams, hire more spin-doctors, and recruit better snipers to take out any approaching messengers.
Meanwhile, in the real world, firms will continue to beef up their legal teams, hire more spin-doctors, and recruit better snipers to take out any approaching messengers. ...... Blofeld's Cat
Hmm? D'oh!..... Taking out any approaching approachable messengers is both counter-productive and self-defeating as it renders one deaf, dumb and blind to significant impactful developments elsewhere they be just acting as heralds for.
Here be real news of such a something quite AWEsome which you may or may not be aware of and able to read where it was shared elsewhere because of certain vetting issues which advise .....[Thank you. Your comment will be displayed soon after reviewing.]
GrahamC [2106050902] ....... seeking clarification on https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2021/6/4/new-air-force-program-to-use-commercial-rockets-for-cargo-deliveryAnd the Novel Vanguard Program Prime Directive ? ....... Remote Command and Virtualised AI Control of paramilitary personnel delivering cargo to providers launching spaces for commercialisation with capabilities leveraging and exploiting explorations which will work well together in Future Developments and SkunkWorks in Progress?
Does the Air Force Research Laboratory, Space Force, Space and Missile Systems Center and Air Force Materiel Command have that sort of comprehensive utility with agile facilities home grown and based in the United States or is it bought and brought in from elsewhere foreign abroad ie Imported from a Vital Strategic Outsourcer/Much Prized and Highly Regarded Special Relationship Partner?
Such is certainly what is relatively freely available for lavish testing from elsewhere with many also realising the possibility of it be as much an overwhelming opponent and/or almighty competitor as a friendly partner.
The title above is a little something unavoidably major to ponder whilst taxing governments and taxed businesses [to name but two august and/or austere bodies] wander and wonder and waffle delightfully for mainstream media mogul channels to manipulate and maintain maladroitly with the following two tales, .... one from the City, the other from a nation, ..... prime indicative exemplars of the rapidly progressing program with enigmatic dilemmas to be revealed and unravelled at a pace beyond conventional control and common sensory command, and an absolute nightmare full to overflowing with impossibilities for deputies and national security advisors for Cyber and Emerging Technologies to secure and do vain battle against because of the ethereal nature of their existence.
El Salvador aims to become first nation to adopt bitcoin as LEGAL TENDER, may set global precedent ..... https://www.rt.com/business/525802-salvador-legal-tender-bitcoin/
Wise Bank of England heads are pondering the case for a state-run digital currency this week. But do we really need one? ....... https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/jun/06/why-cryptocurrencies-may-remain-merely-a-bit-on-the-side
:-) You do realise all of that is made up to give folk something to think about and do in order to fund and create new realities in the future from the car crash shows that are the present for most folk. And if you don't realise that, you will have to admit, for it will be certainly truthfully be said of you, you need to think, and think more and much deeper to have any hope of being more than a cut-out puppet and camp follower bit player on the stages unfurled before you.
Ignore GOD's** Honest Truths at your Peril. IT Knows No Bounds and Tolerates Zero Daily Interference. Infer from that what you will with particular and peculiar regard to what you can expect the future delivering from out of nowhere real.
* ....... Control Of Secret Materiel in an Internetional Command
** ......... Global Operating Devices
There’s no budget for security, entirely preventable. #noahsarksyndrome ..... StuntMisanthrope
Quite so, SM, hence the timely advisory to prepare for biblical deluges overwhelming reigning events.
Whenever information is sifted for actionable intelligence, IT Systems and AI Administrations naturally leak like a sieve to allow riddlers the designedly beneficial advantage of unfair surprise for both prime betatested and experimental operational execution of applications and programs with future programming of the formerly totally unknown and never before suspected or ever expected.
And with so much of that sort of snooping going on in top dog quarters, it is inevitable that there be resultant hellish catastrophes for some, a chosen few and they may be many and far from merry, whilst there will be heavenly new opportunities delivered to be enthusiastically embraced and exercised by others not so deaf, dumb and blind-sided by an inherent and inherited ignorance and abhorrent arrogance/hubristic lack of gain of fantastic function.
And gee. . .. . . .with all this supposed demand for Cyber experts. . .you'd think pay would be going up.You would be wrong. . . ...... SotarrTheWizard
And then compromised and vulnerable systems and struggling administrations wonder why they do battle against the private renegade rogue pirate contractor turned mercenary freelancer ...... and once you realise the benefits and riches which accompany unbridled success in that field of endeavour and exploration, you aint ever going back to supping gruel whenever quaffing champagne is always freely available ....... and one's partners are so grateful and generous with the largesse which is delivered as opposed to just promised whenever not at all well paid by others.
What part of ... Pay Peanuts, get Monkeys ..... do right dodgy systems and failed admins not fully understand? Are they both almightily retarded?