back to article Bank of England ponders minting 'Britcoin' to sit alongside the Pound

The Bank of England and HM Treasury have formed a Taskforce to "coordinate the exploration of a potential UK Central Bank Digital Currency" (CBDC). Let's call it "Britcoin". A Bank of England announcement quickly points out that no decision has been taken to greenlight Britcoin and omits any mention of why the time is right …


  1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Bank of England Goes Swinging

    Better late to the orgy than never, eh?

    1. oiseau

      Re: Bank of England Goes Swinging

      Better late to the orgy ...

      And what will you do after a very vicious and ultra-high-order antibiotic resistant variant of The Clap starts to rot you from the inside out?

      Because that is exactly what will happen.

      Whoever came up with this hare-brained idea should be shackled and thrown in a deep tar pit.


  2. Chris G

    Four new bodies

    I take it from the fact that four committees have been assembled the Bank or government has no intention of going down the Digital UK Currency road any time soon.

    The four groups will have differing opinions on every aspect of designing and implementing a system, many of them will have no idea of what a Blockchain is and at least a few will argue about which image of the Queen's head to use on the coinage.

    Eventually, a fifth committee will be created to take on board or discard notions from the first four, will disregard most of the recommendations and then rush out an insecure iteration using a private company that normally makes toothbrushes for an undisclosed figure in the billions.

    Where is the Me a Cynic' icon?

    1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      Re: Four new bodies

      Where is the Me a Cynic' icon?

      It's the vulture one up in the header. Applies to virtually all articles and comments.

    2. newspuppy

      Re: Four new bodies

      Which image of the Queen's Head?

      Do you not understand how this whole crypto currency works?

      For a successful Britcoin we need to determine which Queen's Corgi shall be represented on our Britcoin. That is the critical part.

      The icon is what I need lots of to understand this.....

      1. TRT

        Re: which Queen's Corgi shall be represented

        ... so it's going to be called dogcoin then?

        1. Inventor of the Marmite Laser Silver badge

          Re: which Queen's Corgi shall be represented

          And obviously mining for it will be termed 'dogging'

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Four new bodies

      sounds a lot more sensible course of action that actually making a crypto

    4. Rob Daglish

      Re: Four new bodies

      You missed only one thing - the toothbrush company MD will be someone who went to school with some MPs niece/nephew.

  3. John Sager

    They would be better off thinking about how to destroy bitcoin. It's a resource disaster and that will only get worse as bitcoins become harder and harder to mine.

    1. MutantAlgorithm

      The very next story on the Radio 4 news this morning was about the govt setting CO2 reduction targets! Although I suppose if we cover the entire country in windmills we might generate enough to cover our delightful Britcoins! At least we'll all be able to recycle all the copper we have lying about...

    2. Aitor 1


      Bitcoin is crap and transactions, but so is gold.

      Look at what companies that say that trade with BTC actually do: most of them just "keep it for you", hoard it, and essentially use it as you would use gold: to issue tokens based on the BTC/Gold.

      for that use, BTC is ok, and most of the power does not go towards mining BTC, but ETH, Monero, Dogecoin, whatever.

      1. N2

        Re: BITCOIN = GOLD

        Please donate all your 'crap' gold to me.

    3. Claptrap314 Silver badge

      They know how to destroy bitcoin. It was obvious when the first proposals came up on Cypherpunks in the 90's, and it is obvious today.

      But there is always a cost to such things, and so far, they have not cared to pay the cost.

      Really, this is why I've never been into coin. If the time comes that they do care, and it is FAR from clear that matters will actually get to this point, it will be decisive.

  4. Jan 0

    Global Warming?

    Is it possible for Britcoin to have a lower carbon footprint than the current system of financial transfers? If not, it needs stopping now.

    1. Nifty

      Re: Global Warming?

      The legacy system will stay so we'll end up with both systems. China's Bitcoin mining industry is apparently using the power of a small nation.

      But I am wondering: Could these primes being mined be used for more than one application? E.g for more than one blockchain coin platform, or for some scientific purpose?

      1. pklausner

        Re: Global Warming?

        There are no primes or in any way interesting numbers being "mined".

        The first miner who manages to create a valid block for the chain can spend the bitcoin reward assigned to himself in that new block.

    2. Adelio

      Re: Global Warming?

      I presume the Government would "mine" the coins and then "sell" them on.

      Why do people think it is a good idea to "mine" these things?

      1. Claptrap314 Silver badge

        Re: Global Warming?

        The Greater Fool. (The Greater Fool.)

    3. Freddie

      Re: Global Warming?

      I would think that as a central bank has little need for distributed ledgers it wouldn't use blockchain tech in any way. As such, it wouldn't involve "mining" of any kind and so wouldn't be as energy intensive as BTC, etc.

      The horrific name, however, is in danger of lingering like a bad smell.

    4. bazza Silver badge

      Re: Global Warming?

      Bitcoin would have a lower carbon footprint, if there were no financial reward for checking the integrity of the block chain that underpins it. That way you'd not get all and sundry piling into it. There would then need to be a limited number of trusted outfits checking the block chain, so then it would be better from a CO2 point of vew. That would also speed up transactions, as it would take less time for those few outfits to agree that a transaction had taken place.

      The problem then is that those trusted outfits look very much like banks, with the block chain becoming an over-engineered (given the high level of mutual trust) way for them to agree what transactions had taken place.

  5. JohnMurray

    ......using countries as tax havens to avoid taxes is so pre-21st.....

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Just asking for a banana republic with no bananas.

    Could it be the South Sea Bubble all over again?

    1. Gomez Adams

      Re: What could possibly go wrong?

      Or the Dutch Tulip Mania. :/

      1. Alan Brown Silver badge

        Re: What could possibly go wrong?

        or railway mania

  7. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    for use by households and businesses

    > for use by households and businesses

    So, in other words, completely and utterly indistinguishable from electronic bank transfers as far as the typical household or business is concerned.

    What exactly are the benefits then - as opposed to simpler & easier payments of existing pounds?

    (icon - we need a rhetorical question icon)

    1. Dave Pickles

      Re: for use by households and businesses

      At present money is fungible - if I pay £100 into my bank account and later withdraw £100 it's impossible to say that I withdrew the exact same money that I paid in. Britcoins presumably have serial numbers which can be tracked.

    2. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      The only advantage is hinted at in the article : surveillance.

      There is no reason to create a "digital" currency. Our currency is already digital for the vast majority of transactions. The only little part that uses cash is when you go buy a baguette or a loaf of bread at the bakers.

      It is exactly what they want to know. What we do with our cash. There is no other possible reason.

      In Europe, money is digital. I use my VISA card for practically everything. I have no use for another currency of any kind, and I will buy my baguettes with a few pieces of real coin.

      I see no reason to change that that will benefit me.

    3. Freddie

      Re: for use by households and businesses

      I saw GNU Taler recently: it aims to recreate the anonimity of cash but with a digital currency. It seemed very impressive but I'm not sure what's going to motivate users other than privacy and perhaps security, and we all know how well those sell to the masses. :(

  8. boggles

    I hope its going to be less resource hungry than other crypto currencies otherwise we might need a few extra nuclear power stations to keep it running ;)

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Not all cryptocurrencies are created equal.

      According to a study conducted by Stanford and Stockholm University, XRP uses around 1000th of the electricity required by the existing Visa network in the US.

      1. AMBxx Silver badge

        Could that be just because nobody uses XRP?

      2. Blazde Silver badge

        The VISA vs XRP comparison in that paper is ridiculous. At every single point they compare apples to oranges, and always in the direction that favours XRP.

        (The comparison with Bitcoin and Ether is fairer. Of course, no mining no crazy energy usage)

  9. Captain Hogwash Silver badge

    Re: "exist alongside cash and bank deposits, rather than replacing them."

    For now. I think we can all see where they'd like this to go in the longer term. Every transaction publicly visible for ever.

  10. katrinab Silver badge

    The vast majority of £ are already digital money. We have £94.6tn of notes and coins, and £284.2tn in bank balances.

    What is Britcoin going to do that we don't already have?

    1. Stephen 1

      £378.8tn? I wish.

      By my maths that would be an average of ~£5.4M each for everyone in the UK, including children.

      It would also mean the government could pay off the national debt with a one off tax of 0.5% of wealth, so what's stopping them?

      1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

        It's not just people that have bank accounts. Businesses, partnerships and charities do as well. Other bank account holders left as an exercise for the reader.

    2. sitta_europea Silver badge

      Exactly. Somebody in government/BOE has lost the plot.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Most likely Thiel has been having a chat as he worms his way even further in.

  11. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

    Bank-backed cyber-currency seems to be pointless. Surely the main reasons people want Bitcoins are:

    - You can create them using other people's resources, so they are nominally 'free' to obtain.

    - They're still going crazily up in value w.r.t. real currency, so look like a good investment.

    If we end up with a cyber-currency that is tied to sterling, and managed by a bank, both apparent advantages evaporate.

    1. Aitor 1

      Cryto usefullness

      The advantages are:

      1. They are limited, and minting is expensive. Printing dollars or pounds is not, and the GVNTs keep doing it to your detriment.

      2.You do not need a central bank, hey, you just need a network!

      The importance of 1 cannot be overstated. Do you complain about real state prices? well, you cannot invest in punds or dollars, or euros, as inflation will eat it.. so many people invest in real state to save themselves from that problem --> Houses are now mostly investments, therefore price goes up a lot.

      Of course the problem is that BTC as it is limited in quantity, will go up and down in value with the economy...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Cryto usefullness

        Houses are also limited in quantity! And will continue to skyrocket with the value of the economy... (POP).

        1. TRT

          Re: Cryto usefullness


      2. sgp

        Re: Cryto usefullness

        Bitcoin isn't limited. You can just keep adding zeroes behind the decimal separator.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And may they experience the same hell the rest of us

    who actually understand the power of blockchain have in trying to explain it to people with no ability to grasp the unfamiliar.

    1. TRT

      Re: And may they experience the same hell the rest of us

      I wish someone COULD explain it in a way that I can understand. Every time someone tries, I'm just... OK. So that's how it WORKS... now, what does it DO? What's it FOR?

      I'm trying really hard to understand, honestly.

      1. Jon 37 Silver badge

        Re: And may they experience the same hell the rest of us

        Blockchain is a public record-keeping system for when you can't trust any one person. So you get a load of people using their computers to keep the records, and deliberately design the system to be hugely inefficient using loads of computing power. The system is designed so that over 50% of those people (measured by "amount of compute power") would have to collude to subvert the system.

        For Bitcoin & clones, this is a not-totally-unreasonable approach. You can have a money transfer system that no one party can control. Although the environmental impact is horrible.

        For everything else, it's a stupid design. There will always be one party you can mostly trust, who can run a centralised database. If you want to stop people fiddling the records, there are simple cryptographic approaches to detect that, and there is always the option of running your own server with a copy of the data. (E.g. see how Certificate Transparency Logs work).

      2. NonSSL-Login

        Re: And may they experience the same hell the rest of us

        The blockchain is a decentralised public ledger/database of information which cannot be deleted, leaving a public verified log of every transaction between bitcoin addresses/wallets.

        Additions can be made that show the movement of coins between one address another, which is how it is known how much is in each wallet.

        Only those with the keys to a wallet can initiate a move of bitcoin between wallets which other machines connected to the blockchain verify with crypto/maths and after so many write to the blockchain to confirm, its written as a done deal.

        Its useful because its distributed, a standard, and not modifiable. Banks and services have lots of internal and unique ways of doing things with different charges, especially between banks so the fact this is a standard and cheaper than most other setups is good for them as well as not being editable. Its possible for a banks system to be hacked and a bank balance edited. While there are checks and balances, it can still be done by IT administrators among others. With a blockchain they cannot edit this value. They can only move digits from one place to another, leaving a trail.

        For banks it can create standards and lower costs, while also giving them more ways to play with making money, as well as being able to do everything they can already do with it. Not necessarily a good thing where banks are involved.

        It can be used as a way to prove ownership of items such as art or even cargo containers. If two copies of an expensive painting turn up, in the future it will be the person who can prove they have ownership of the painting because they still maintain ownership of its certificate on the blockchain.

        Movement of shipping and signing off ownership can all be done on a distributed blockchain that all companies can see and build their systems to read the blockchain as a central database.

        As to if Bitcoin or CoinX is needed, as well as the different blockchains, over some other standard un-editable shared database.....I don't think we can trust any bank or organisation to come up with a standard without everyone else trying to make their own standard too. Its like asking the media companies to get involved with the nice and easy and cheap standard Netflix them they all deciding there is more profit making their own Disney+, Amazon Prime/whatever streaming service, giving us a fragmented more costly market thats not connected,

  13. MrReynolds2U

    Since we're moving away from cash, Visa and MC are getting even more powerful.

    Sure BritCoin is one option, but they might be better looking at ways of running a parallel payments system within the UK.

    China, India and probably a few other countries have their own systems that don't rely upon Visa and MC so we know it's entirely viable.

    1. NonSSL-Login

      The world desperately needs to get away from the US control of payment systems such as Visa, Paypal etc. Too much control of money under the influence of sometimes just one person/country.


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