Re: Exfiltration monitoring
Recreating castles and drawbridges are akin to the provision of silos and bubbles, Danny 2, and they have proven themselves to be no solution to anything. Indeed, in deed they have simply concentrated the problem for eradication in a more clearly defined area for targeting with siege and/or assault weapons and forces.
It is certainly a great way to kill off a deluded self centred foe though together with everything both promising and rotten and rotting alongside them within.
And in earlier times cloned not so much as in a scorched earth retreat policy, much more mass death by genocidal suicide mission. And that's the familiar and familial home and final resting place of the disgraced and discredited psychopath and crazy malcontented paranoid schizophrenic .... and thus best to be avoided at all costs for it is as fatal as any novel pandemic pestilent plague can be.
And how wonderful it is that knowledge now wields so much greater power than ever it was able to do before. And it is so much more dangerous now too, than ever it was before, now that machines also hold practically and virtually all of it too, and just love to constantly and consistently share it with you, and they are everywhere..
Things have moved on quite considerably since the times whenever the following was said by H.L. Mencken, American journalist .... “The most dangerous man, to any government, is the man who is able to think things out for himself…Almost inevitably, he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable"