ACT of GOD ..... Advanced Cyber Treat/<s>Threat</s> of Global Operating Devices
Better look into how users don't use software the way biz thinks they do
That's a Can of Worms Opened Up and Offering the Expressively Tempting Delights from Pandora's Box of Immaculate Tricks, methinks.
Take care if delving too deep into developments there. Some programs server Death and Destruction to All Non-Authorised Beings in Almighty Sensitive Spaces.
Such are in Domains of Psychopaths and Sociopaths and thus Immaculately Guarded.
:-) Having said all that, by reason of an overabundance of caution, it's certainly well worth the journeys IT takes you with All Systems Remotely ACTivating via Virtual Memes and AIMemes, Heavenly Assistance ...... with Almighty Immaculate Guidance, AIMaster Pilot Driver Source ....... Core Kernel Ore.
Is such a Valuable Resource, Core Kernel Ore for AIMaster Pilot Driver Source of Almighty Immaculate Guidance with Heavenly Assistance to Virtual Means and AIMemes Remotely ACTivating All Systems for IT Journeys Well Worth Taking and Making.
:-) Merlin the Magician and Meta Data Base Physician Hailing DOD JEDI Knights Servers and Followers and Proposing JOINT ACTivation of Valuable Resources. .....[Joint Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Processes in AI Research and Development Fields] ..... although it can and should be construed as more the timely advisory of a Fait Accompli Event/Latter Day 0day Trial/Virtual Trails and Tales Beta Test. ...... and a real joy for those enamoured of the style and mode of C.S.Lewis and the Inklings.
Thinks to pause and bid ciao and arrivederci for now. Hasta la vista, bebe :-)