back to article Data science alliance in talks with UK Cabinet Office to help ease economic impact of COVID-19 pandemic

A cross-industry group started by Rolls-Royce – now including Google and IBM – is in talks with the UK government to use data and analytics to guide policy makers and biz leaders towards the green shoots of economic recovery in the face of the devastating impact of COVID-19. Rolls-Royce has confirmed to The Reg that the …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    re: includes Google?

    doomed to become just another data slurp for them then...

    Yes, I'm cynical but look at their healthcare subsidiary in the USA. It can run rests for CV-19 but... to get the results, you MUST use a google login.

    Google only do things that will get them more data about all of us. Oh, and to avoid paying taxes.

    Google is EVIL. They are the modern version of Big Brother.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: re: includes Google?

      How about the government changes the law to finally create a level playing field and make Google, AWS et al pay the same rates of tax as their UK based competitors?

      That might stimulate some home grown growth!

  2. nematoad Silver badge

    Here's hoping.

    Well it's good to see that people and organisations with both the ability and willingness to address these problems are actually doing something about it. The problem I see is that they are going to be feeding the results of their work to the government.

    Previously this government has ignored the advice of "experts" and taken a doctrinaire and blinkered view of the way we should handle all the problems we have to face. Brexit being the prime example.

    However, given the magnitude of the task of getting the country running again after this corona virus emergency it may be that saner heads will prevail and dogma is ditched and some of the advice and knowledge from this effort is taken on board.

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Re: Here's hoping.

      Well ...... I wouldn't like to pass comment on whether it is saner heads to prevail, nematoad, but I wouldn't choose to disagree with everything else you share there for it may very well be perfectly right, although one does hope that there be evidence in a future prosecution of a persistent vehicle of change which can be enthusiastically explored and questioned about operations that new lessons actually have been learnt and all things are agreed to be changed, rather than continue to descend into the Pits and Cloisters where Madness and Mayhem Run in Asylums.

      As for exceptional help to the UK Cabinet [and anything else is just obscure window dressing] one could do an awful lot worse than ask Dominic Cummings [wherever the hell he's snuck away off to] what he is going to do with Future Shenanigans for Present Processing with Past Product Management/Established Operations. Date: 3 February 2020 at 17:05:36 GMT

      Surely his gmail hasn't foolishly trashed it as spam?

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide ..... in a Prime Ministerial Epiphany?!.

        Surely his gmail hasn't foolishly trashed it as spam?

        :-) Regarding that hanging Cabinet/Cummings question ...... what, if anything, do you want to do with Future Shenanigans for Present Processing with Past Product Management/Established Operations. Date: 3 February 2020 at 17:05:36 GMT ?

        Fortunately does one just need to ask again. Consider it safely successfully servered from here and now, via El Reg, to whomever be there then, for it would be dire to not think there are friends looking out for him/feeding him insider info on SMARTR IntelAIgent Services with Special EMPowering Operands*

        * Which if you ask after is declared Strictly Restricted Need to Know Information ....... Private Pirate Top Secret Intellectual Property.

        Move on please, nothing really to see here. Thank you.

        Is anyone not going to admit that these are extremely strange times .... and nothing like anything before .... ever. Do you think anything will ever go back to delivering again the failed the old way?

        Or is something completely new and quite different the logical human progression to realise and have universal media present.

        Quite obviously am I a fervent fan of the latter course as IT exercises Novel ACTivity and Generates Excitement ........... and that's a Powerful Energy to have Ready to Hand, In House and Safely Stored Securely for Future Supply Chain Clients and Customers/Anonymous Exporters and Autonomous Importers.

        1. Cliff Thorburn

          Re: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide ..... in a Prime Ministerial Epiphany?!.

          Powerful Energy to have Ready to Hand, In House and Safely Stored Securely for Future ...

          One has to also confess to securely stored in house Pirates bounty, ready for future ‘neaukl ee er’ great game expeditions, and perilous post pandemic future exponential learning expeditions :O)

          To quote -

          Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

          1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

            Re: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide ..... in a Prime Ministerial Epiphany?!.

            Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. ..... Cliff Thorburn

            And in the truth be All Manner of Skittish Daemons/Maniac Monsters/Grand Masters, CT.

            Strange Bed Fellow Companions in Deeds indeed .... and that be only a Trio and Unholy Trinity of them too.

            And there are whole jungles of them out there. :-)

            And truth is always dangerous to those that rule by deception .....

  3. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Wait a minute

    "demonstrated the need for governments and their advisers to seek real world insights into mobility, behaviour and human contact networks"

    Nope. It has demonstrated the need to know who met who, that's all. You don't need to know where they were when they met.

    Including location data into the equation just means you're using this to spy on people.

  4. SVV

    The goal is to bring together datasets that are not normally combined

    Reading between the lines of the reasoning given for creating this organisation. it appears to be using the current crisis as a pretext for supplying any company who wants it with massive amounts of personal data that would previously have been covered by data protection and privacy laws, including infinite amounts of personal location and financial transaction data, in order to "assist the economic recovery". Presumably, the main way this will happen is by ultra targeted and personalised advertising based on analysis of that data, with a nice funnel of linked and cross referenced data also flowing into the private company databases of the tech giants that can be used to judge the success of their efforts and fine tune them to be even more effective. All it was needed to do was wait for the right crisis, I mean opportunity, just say the magic words "AI data scientists", and hey presto, all the giant tech companies have everything they ever dreamed of knowing about us in one magic moment.

  5. Danny Boyd

    Why wasn't Cambridge Analytica invited?

    See the title...

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