back to article White House turns to Big Tech to fix coronavirus blunders while classifying previous conversations

Faced with a growing barrage of criticism over how it has handled the outbreak of the coronavirus, the White House has turned to tech giants to help it tackle the pandemic. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy held a meeting on Wednesday with representatives from Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, Apple, …


  1. Anonymous Coward
    Black Helicopters

    Oh My!

    "At the same time, however, it emerged the White House was also ordering all deliberations over covid-19 to be considered classified, effectively restricting discussions to only those with a top secret classification."

    Does this mean our resident megalomaniac has panicked?

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Oh My!

      I can't answer that, it's classified

      1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

        Re: it's classified

        The good news about anything being classified is the president will announce it at the next press conference. Just give him a big map of the US and a marker pen.

        1. Rich 2 Silver badge

          Re: it's classified

          Isn’t that what Twitter is for?

    2. jake Silver badge

      Re: Oh My!

      Panic? Mo, it's just that the Religious Right who are currently in charge of the Oval Office are tired of getting laughed at when they talk complete bollocks about science.

      Hey, guys: It's not working. We're still laughing at you, you fucking idiots! :-D

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Oh My!

        But didn't the White House already promised to sustain the tourism business, which incidentally will give money to Trump Hotels too?

        1. scarletherring

          Re: Oh My!

          > But didn't the White House already promised to sustain the tourism business, which incidentally will give money to Trump Hotels too?

          I read on Politico the other day that UK and IRL are exempt. How convenient.

      2. Chris G

        Re: Oh My!

        I suspect the the reason for classification is so the the public won't hear about Pence and Pompeo speaking in tongues, spouting from the Book of Revelations about disease and pestilence and waiting for a horse called Binky.

        1. jake Silver badge

          Re: Oh My!

          "waiting for a horse called Binky"

          In the third at Aqueduct?

          1. Chris G

            Re: Oh My!

            Death rides a horse called Binky in the Discworld books.

            Ah ! Just discovered Aqueduct is a racecourse.

            Yeah, Binky will be the last across the line.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Oh My!

          Dear Chris,

          Believe it or not, some of us that believe in God and take the Bible seriously, are, for that very reason, unhappy with our Dear Leader, who manipulates the greed of so-called Evangelicals. I don't think there are many of us, certainly not enough to effect much change. At some recent count, only one electoral delegate in about a thousand for the Republican Party primaries.

          Because we are not the same, and even if we are just a minority, I would, please, request that you do not mix us all in the same bag. Please just treat us with the respect that you try to use with crazy little minorities. Alas, the Gentleman in Chief got elected because there are millions and millions of like-minded induviduals to his delusions. Puts us in an awkward spot, where we try to get sense into people, and it is very, very hard - for example, I couldn't convince our pastor to stop meetings, until the evidence and pressure was so overwhelming that he had to. People who think, and also believe, is not a contradiction, but I must admit is rather rare.

          Anon because it's obvious that bigots out there are unsafe. As part of a tiny minority, having to deal with persecution requires a bit of paranoias.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Oh My!


      * Pence was made chairman of the government's response so that when things go south he can be replaced on the election ticket and Trump can claim no-fault on the deaths.

      * Trump is going on a multi-week vacation, so that he can claim it was all their fault the government didn't turn this around. He really likes blaming other people for fouling things up, and he is blameless of course - "they failed us all" he'll say.

      1. Jamie Jones Silver badge

        Re: Oh My!

        And when interviewed about the virus at the CDC, all he could do was brag about his poll numbers. That's all he cares about (oh, and on top of this, his brag was a lie..)

    4. Mark 85

      Re: Oh My!

      Since it's classified, no one in the meetings can talk about it and thus, no one can say "what an idiot" to the press.

      On the other hand, it could be that he invited the computer gang in because it's a "virus" and everyone knows IT knows all about viruses.

    5. big_D

      Re: Oh My!

      I hate to break it to the Whitehouse, but most other governments are giving press conferences about the current state of the SARS-COV-2 (aka COVID-19) multiple times during the course of a day.

      Giving information like how many government run, free testing stations have been set up, how many thousands of people have been tested and how many infections and deaths have been reported...

      1. Mike Shepherd

        Re: Oh My!

        Free healthcare? My God, that's COMMUNISM!

        1. BebopWeBop

          Re: Oh My!

          Maybe a benefit of communism/socialism/normal western democracies that the US might come to regret rejecting. A fascinating programme on the BBC last night (in part) reflected on the impact that the Black Death had on Britain. Having killed off a goodly part of the serf class, the resultant social changes were not what the aristocracy would have wished for (and tried to prevent - ultimately failing n the main).

          1. ShadowDragon8685

            Re: Oh My!

            We ALREADY regret it.

          2. Professor Yaffle

            Re: Oh My!

            What was the program, which channel?

            Sounds interesting.

        2. Jan 0 Silver badge

          Re: Oh My!

          Does the Communist Party USA still put up presidential candidates? It's a long time since I was last aware of one, maybe now's the time.

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: Oh My!

            Well, there's a commie sympathizer in the Oval Office. Does that count?

            (Has anybody tapped McCarthy's grave yet? He must be spinning fast enough to light up the entire shoreline of Lake Michigan ...)

      2. Mark 85

        Re: Oh My!

        Free testing stations? Where's the profit in that? I don't know what the test kits cost elsewhere, but here in the States, they're around a $1000 (US).

    6. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Oh My!

      Have you seen the Andromeda Strain? The reason they are classified is because they are discussing using tactical nukes on their own people at the behest of the orange one.

      1. BebopWeBop

        Re: Oh My!

        I seem to remember in John Wyndham's 'The Death of Grass', the British government nuking centres of population - because they were just that, centres of population and unsustainable.

        1. Reginald Marshall

          Re: Oh My!

          John Wyndham's 'The Death of Grass'

          That would be John Christopher (alias Sam Youd). But it's not difficult to confuse the two, since Wyndham did have several notable entries in the post-apocalyptic genre.

  2. Palpy

    Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

    What a surprise. Trump's first response was to deny that there is danger, next to minimize it (not as bad as influenza? COVID-19 has about 10 times influenza's fatality rate), then to blame somebody else (Obama, he said? the regulatory process for vaccines which Trump complained about has been in effect since 1997 and had nothing to do with Obama), and now to cloak his administration's response in secrecy -- as classified information.

    There's been no noticeable, large-scale action by the Feds. They're thrashing, which is a very poor way to respond to any looming crisis.

    But Facebook, Twitter, and Google could make a start by aggressively knocking out misinformation in their respective bailiwicks -- no, drinking bleach will not help; Jim Bakker's silver colloid is completely ineffectual; yes, the virus is spreading; and no, it is not "a common cold" (as Limbaugh said); yes, sanitizing wipes kill the virus as long as they're at least 60% alcohol; no, closing borders at this point will not help. Etc.

    My guess: Zero effective action from the Zuckerman. Near-zero from Twitter. Possibly some window-dressing from Google, ie, notifications on the search page... but no modification of the search algorithm to block or warn about crap-and-scam coronavirus disinformation.

    I'm not sure what "big tech" can do other than work on a vaccine and on anti-viral treatments. Tracking the outbreak using genetics is flashy and cool, but it's tracking, not preventing or curing or even ameliorating symptoms.

    Gonzalo Raposo is quoted: "If big tech gains access to medical data and patterns, they can support containment efforts by quickly pinpointing the source of illness within vulnerable communities."

    Riiiiiight. The US doesn't have the physical capacity to do extensive testing for the virus right now. By the time enough test supplies are manufactured and distributed -- say a month -- the horse will have well and truly left the barn and anything big tech can do to "support containment efforts" will be moot. Afterwards, big tech will do a superlative job of retroactive analysis I'm sure.

    1. IGotOut Silver badge

      Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

      "not as bad as influenza? COVID-19 has about 10 times influenza's fatality rate"

      Does it?

      It's now looking to be below 1% possibly as low as low as .2%.

      They are cases of people contracting it with NO symptoms at all.

      The figures can look scary, but once you rule out the elderly and those with existing respiratory conditions, the numbers are very low indeed.

      In fact resources would be be spent monitoring those in these brackets rather the mass hysteria that is currently going on.

      But sure, put on your face mask on, if it makes you feel better.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

        If you don't understand how people die from it, you are free to learn firsthand.

        To crash a person takes time. And much longer if a hospital is actively trying to keep you alive. It is when the immune overreaction has finally killed the mucus-clearing cilia cells then you then get the pneumonia. And then you slowly suffocate, with the lack of oxygen killing various organ systems one by one. Takes time, this dying.

        Look at Italy. You know, 100's per day? That's because they were infected 3-4 weeks ago, and have been critical for up to 2 weeks before finally dying. The numbers of dying - the rate of deaths - go up the farther into the cycle of infection we go.

        "the numbers are very low indeed." Fuck you, and sympathies to Li Wenliang's wife and children.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

          That answer is completely unrelated to the point that was made. We all know how people die from it, but since we don't know how many people have been infected, we can't know what the fatality rate is. All we know is how many of the known infected die, but since we don't know the size of the infected population we can't produce an accurate %age figure.

          1000 people infected, 30 dead, that's 3%, but if there are another 9000 people infected that we don't know about, because they only show mild symptoms, it's "only" a 0.3% death rate.

          No consolation for the loved ones of those who do die, of course, but let's keep a sense of proportion. Over the course of the outbreak number of people dying per day on average is still well below that for 'flu or traffic accidents. Knee-jerk reactions don't help anyone.

          1. KittenHuffer Silver badge

            Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

            Are you really suggesting that 90% of infections are so mild that people don't even realise that they've got it? In that case I will suggest that you're either incredibly stupid, or that you have some sort of agenda for coming out with such crap.

            If 90% of the infected were asymptomatic then infections would be cropping up EVERYWHERE with absolutely no indication of where and when they became infected. Since that is not the case, and tracing recent contacts has identified the source in almost all new infections, then that completely wipes out your 90% argument.

            And at that point the rest of your arguments collapse.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

              Are you really suggesting that 90% of infections are so mild that people don't even realise that they've got it? In that case I will suggest that you're either incredibly stupid, or that you have some sort of agenda for coming out with such crap.

              And your medical qualifications for that diagnosis are what, exactly?

              The official statement from the World Health Organization is: "The most commonly reported symptoms included fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath, and most patients (80%) experienced mild illness.." Without thorough random testing we simply cannot know the actual infection rate.

              If 90% of the infected were asymptomatic then infections would be cropping up EVERYWHERE with absolutely no indication of where and when they became infected. Since that is not the case,

              Really? So how do you explain the cases in the US in areas where no identified first case has been found?

              And at that point the rest of your arguments collapse.

              We need much more in the way of hard numbers to reach that conclusion.

              1. KittenHuffer Silver badge

                Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

                I am not making a 'diagnosis', and my conclusions require no medical qualifications.

                In countries that have actually been isolating patients and tracing their movements it has almost always been possible to trace them back to a point of contact with someone who has also displayed symptoms of the virus.

                You mention the US having cases crop up with no identifiable source. Perhaps that is because until today your Tweeter-in-Chief has done his best to deny that there is actually anything at all to be concerned about. There has been little testing, no isolation, and no tracing. So I'm not surprised that the US has cases magically appearing from nowhere.

                If as you claim 90% of the infected are asymptomatic then stopping people with symptoms from travelling would only have had a 10% effect on the virus spread, and you would find plenty of instances where one member of a family is infected but the other members show no symptoms at all. Please present your evidence of the virus travelling long distances without a symptomatic traveller, or of groups in close contact where only 10% present symptoms.

                1. Jaybus

                  Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

                  "There has been little testing, no isolation, and no tracing. "

                  That's just simply not true.

            2. Loatesy

              Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

              [Are you really suggesting that 90% of infections are so mild that people don't even realise that they've got it? In that case I will suggest that you're either incredibly stupid, or that you have some sort of agenda for coming out with such crap.

              If 90% of the infected were asymptomatic then infections would be cropping up EVERYWHERE with absolutely no indication of where and when they became infected. Since that is not the case, and tracing recent contacts has identified the source in almost all new infections, then that completely wipes out your 90% argument.

              And at that point the rest of your arguments collapse.]

              Wrong. Simply wrong. Your whole premis contradicts itself.

              We just don't know whether or not a person can catch it and only display symptoms similar to those of the common cold and recover without even realising it. We won't know for sure unless the whole population is tested; at the moment the majority of those actually being tested are a) those with definite symptoms, b) those who have been in contact with those who have definite symptoms, and c) those who have recently returned from areas where there have been outbreaks.

              So far the mortality rate is 3.7% of confirmed cases ONLY. According to the WHO website 4,607 people have died as a result of contracting Covid-19 (out of 124,518 definite cases); but it is simply not known how many people might have contracted it and simply recovered without knowing they ever had it or being tested for it.

              We simply.




              enough about its pathology.

              And probably never will until LONG after Covid-19 is consigned to the history books.

              1. KittenHuffer Silver badge

                Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

                No, we don't know what percentage are asymptomatic carriers, similar to Typhoid Mary.

                But what we can say is that from the way we've seen the virus spread so far that the percentage of people that are asymptomatic is certainly not 90%.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

                  the percentage of people that are asymptomatic is certainly not 90%.

                  You're the one who brought "asymptomatic" into it, no-one has suggested that those numbers are high. The question is what percentage of people just have sufficiently mild symptoms that they don't report them or get tested. WHO figures suggest that it could be quite high.

              2. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

                But more importantly... Leaver or remainer? :-)

            3. Peter2 Silver badge

              Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

              I think he's suggesting that we keep a sense of proportion and rationality, stop panic buying toilet paper (seriously, wtf is with that? It's not like Covid19 causes diarrhea!) and that people should keep calm and carry on. Preferably with washing your hands a bit more and otherwise taking reasonable and rational actions to limit the ability of the virus to spread.

              Screaming OMG, we're all going to die!1!!11!11! as some people are doing and whipping up a frenzied panic doesn't help anybody, and the economic damage from the panic is going to cause considerably more damage than the worst case deaths. A few years ago in the UK we had a pretty bad year with Influenza (ie; flu) which led to hospitals being overloaded and the elderly dying off in droves to the point the mortuaries were full and they were sticking dead bodies in hired freezers in the carparks.

              Nobody even really noticed that (ok, there were a couple of newspaper headlines) and there wasn't a panic. The stark reality is that from the information reasonably available Covid19 might in the worst possible case be somewhat worse than that was, which was considered completely normal by everybody. This is obviously unfortunate for the elderly and those with compromised immune systems but this is not the end of the world even in the worst case.

              1. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

                Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

                Screaming OMG, we're all going to die!1!!11!11! as some people are doing and whipping up a frenzied panic doesn't help anybody

                I agree but the problem is we just don't know.

                Some experts predict 100,000 deaths, worst case, though that's no small number

                On the other hand we have the governments of the UK and Germany saying 70% to 80% will be infected, and best evidence from China (100,000 infections, 3,000 dead) is that the mortality rate is 1% to 3%. If that's so; between half a million and 1.5 million will die in the UK and Germany.

                We are also told 20% will become so severely ill that they will require hospital treatment. Despite going into a "delay phase" any day now, no one seriously believes we have the ability to treat that many people.

                That could well mean 10 million dead - So panic may not be entirely irrational.

                1. Baldrickk

                  Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

                  Well, Trump's health advisor recently broke ranks and said that pretty much everything Trump has said is wrong.

                  The numbers he gave were 1% for SARS-COV-2 and 0.1% for the Flu - so 10x the casualty rate of the flu. if it's any higher (numbers are still changing, it's suspected that China has been heavily massaging their numbers etc...) then it's going to be higher than 10x.

                2. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

                  "Some experts predict 100,000 deaths, worst case, though that's no small number"

                  However in the US around 35000 die by shooting each year, and roughly the same number in traffic accidents. So 100000 is not *that* big a number.

                  1. Jaybus

                    Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

                    By comparison, influenza related deaths range from 12,300 to 61,000 in the US (2010-2019), with known cases ranging from 9.3 to 45 million. But that is comparing real data ( for influenza vs. total speculation for COVID-19. So apples - oranges.

              2. veti Silver badge

                Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

                If you and your whole family are going to be confined to the house for a minimum of two weeks, you definitely want to have plenty of toilet paper about the place. Trust me on this.

            4. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

              actually, that is the Trumpeteer "reasoning" behind the it's like the flu argument.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

            You don't know how many people are infected with the seasonal flu either, since most people also have mild symptoms and never get tested for it.

            So the percentage for flu is no more, no less an estimate than for COVID19. And it's still 10× lower. And flu has both vaccines and medicine against it to mitigate its effect.

            So yeah, not overreacting is good, but not underreacting also is.

          3. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Look at S-Korea


            210, 144 tests for COVID 19 done by 10th March.

            Here are the "Epidemiological links" table:


            The back traced from people with Covid 19, back to people they interacted with, then tested those.

            Now the problem with this whole "you catch it, poof your get better" nonsense, is that these people would still show anti-bodies for it and show up in those tests.

            So you might wish there are a whole load of people infected that just got over it, but that would not fit the data. Any one that got ill, would then flag a whole range of contact testing in South Korea which would then count all these "got better" people.

            "No consolation for the loved ones of those who do die, of course"

            I'm sure there will be some Republicans offering "thoughts and prayers"! Like they usually do.

      2. Olivier2553

        Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

        So it is OK is elderly and those with existing respiratory conditions die, maybe getting infected by their grand kids who had the virus but no symptoms?

        1. Richard 12 Silver badge

          Re: Oh my goodness -- the US administration is thrashing?

          Of course not, and that's not what they meant.

          Wash your hands - with soap, while muttering or humming whichever 20sec sequence helps you.

          Clean surfaces.

          Avoid casual close contact. Don't shake hands, don't kiss, etc.

          Above all, don't panic.

          If you go out and stockpile all the soap, then someone else will have none. Then they will spread it, perhaps to someone whose body can't handle the infection. That someone might be you, or someone you love.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          So it is OK is elderly and those with existing respiratory conditions die?

          Depends whether your Government refuses to close Schools or not:

          Petitions: UK Government and Parliament

          Petition: Close Schools/Colleges down for an appropriate amount of time amidst COVID19.

          1. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

            Re: So it is OK is elderly and those with existing respiratory conditions die?

            Is it too much to hope that such a decision would be taken by those medically qualified to do so, and not as a result of social media-inspired ignorance and stupidity?


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