back to article Wanna work for El Reg? Developers needed for headline-writing AI bots

The Register seeks full-time developers and data scientists to build software tools to generate El Reg-style headlines and other text. This technology will draw upon the work of top UK academic Professor Warren Rice, who has assembled a database of more than one million news stories, including the entire Register archive, and …


  1. Korev Silver badge

    I hope the new AI puns don’t alter the tensorflow of the sentence

    1. JassMan


      Since you started your comment on the subjact of AI, I read your last word as sentience. This has made me realise that that I am probably unsuited to apply for the job. I will therefore get back to cooking my poisson d'avril for lunch.

    2. macjules

      Not sure I look forward to working with Miskatonic University, so I’ll pass.

    3. J. R. Hartley

      Is TheReg still edited by Hampton Doubleday? I'm related to him you know.

      1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        @J. R. Hartley

        Is TheReg still edited by Hampton Doubleday?

        He's taken up French Polishing - the work is far more lucrative, and there is a high demand now thanks to the HomePod

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Sounds the perfect job for #hashtag Amber Rudd...

      Given she's developed the perfect AI "frictionless borders solution" for the Channel tunnel and the border between NI and the Republic of Ireland, is there really any better candidate right now for the job?

    5. el kabong

      It won't fool anyone.

      They should have picked another day.

    6. Nick Ryan Silver badge

      Meh. I'd consider applying however as I'm likely to be up against AManFromMars I really don't see that there is any point in shaming myself.

    7. Oh Homer

      Maybe this'll help...

      A few years ago, I wrote this Bullshit Generator during one particularly obnoxious meeting.

      Sample outputs:

      • He can not revitalize traction to engage our cohesive deliverables
      • Nobody will evangelize vision to commoditize their organic groundswell
      • She might inject buzz to productize his lateral buttocks


      Yes, all those buzzwords (except buttocks - I just threw that in there) and more featured during this meeting, although it's not an exhaustive list, and predates the likes of "blockchain", so needs an update.

      Incidentally, I've heard unconfirmed rumours of "blockchain" being used as a verb, as in "We need to blockchain our strategy moving forward". It was bound to happen.

  2. katrinab Silver badge
    Paris Hilton

    I have a pretty good idea what the encrypted code says, but I won't post it until this afternoon.

    1. m0rt

      " but I won't post it until this afternoon."

      Now that just doesn't make sense, either in context or encrypting it.

    2. katrinab Silver badge

      Having said that, why are there no blockchains? Nobody will take you seriously if you don't put it on a blockchain.

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        "Having said that, why are there no blockchains? Nobody will take you seriously if you don't put it on a blockchain."

        I must admit to being disappointed. I firmly expected today to be the launch-day for the El Reg Crypto-currency. I had my broker on stand-by.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "I have a pretty good idea what the encrypted code says, but I won't post it until this afternoon."

      I have a pretty good proof of what it says but the margin is too small to contain it.

      Also, I have a program that already does everything that the Reg requires, with the small problem that the output is entirely in Whitespace 2003. (Of which today is the 15th anniversary).

  3. Chris G

    Spare Time

    It should be a versatile bot that can double up as a program that will operate a tea and sandwich making robot, after all how much of it's time will be taken up with headline writing?

    Could include a Home Brewing subroutine to manage the cupboard under the stairs.

  4. Mr Templedene

    This AI wrote a fantastic headline!

    Click here to find out how

    1. SoaG

      I couldn't believe the 10 things that happened next and DESTROYED <pro/anti political view> using these common household items and kitten gifs.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Makes sense. I've already created AI for comments, I input the article and it gives me a recommended option out of the following,


    Douglas Adams Reference

    Monty Python Reference

    Cult sci-fi film Reference

    Linux is better than windows

    Flash is bad

    You're holding it wrong



    Saves me loads of time.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Fake news!

    I wonder what amanfrommars thinks about this.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Fake news!

      That was my first thought. Then I realized that this is three letter agency plot to get amanfronmars (1?) to expose himself. ;)

    2. Rich 11 Silver badge

      Re: Fake news!

      How could we tell?

    3. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

      Re: Fake news!

      Amandrommars? What about Eadon?

    4. PNGuinn

      Re: amamfrommars

      3 options:

      amanfrommars is the prototype.

      amanfrommars is the finished product.

    5. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      A Rake's Progress? :-)

      I wonder what amanfrommars thinks about this.... Anonymous Coward

      Well, as you ask ....

      They have been read out on air by baffled BBC presenters.
      ...... Post Modern Classics is a Simply Complex Read but Can Easily be Understood by All.

      And the Powers that Proprietary Prime Intellectual Property Energy Generates is Quite Literally, Almighty Awesome.

      Is that more extant current news to be read out on air further baffling embattled BBC presenters?

      These laborers, using closely guarded expertise passed down from generation to generation, use keyboards and mice to fuse computer engineering knowhow, puns, and functional alcoholism to form our article titles.

      Not that's a Form for Generation of AI Virtual Block Chains... with/for Perfecting Almighty Restraint In Safer Space Places ....... Remote AI Augmented Virtualised Realities in Live Operational Virtual Environments ...... which could also be Alien OutPosts/Extra Terrestrial Exploratory Fab Labs where SMARTR AIMachines Run Everything Created Almost Too Perfectly. And that keeps them Beautifully Busy Open Testing and Tasting Newly Highly Addictive Wares that Quell the Almighty and Reveal a Virtual Haven with Myriad Paths through Heavenly Doors/Advanced IntelAIgent Remote AI Augmented Virtual Reality Portals to Explore in the Passing Over into Live Operational Virtual Environment AIdVentures ..... Further Augmenting AI Leading JOINT Missions with and for Friendly Natives and Virgin Stock. ......... the Almighty Impressive and Impressionable. :-)

      1. Chris G

        Re: A Rake's Progress? :-)

        "These laborers, using closely guarded expertise passed down from generation to generation, use keyboards and mice to fuse computer engineering knowhow, puns, and functional alcoholism to form our article titles."

        Now that, made me laugh out loud.

        Have one on me!

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

  7. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    Clearly something wrong here

    Knowledge of the lyrics of Mary Poppins omitted from the requirements.

    1. choleric

      Re: Clearly something wrong here

      Something something something I think that's quite atrocious.

  8. Warm Braw

    Editorial staff are vehemently opposed to this project

    Well, if I had to work my way through a long queue of bloated bots in order to rate their performance, I'd probably be at least ambivalent about the prospect. However, a software analyst would probably happily volunteer to help.

    1. Rich 11 Silver badge

      Re: Editorial staff are vehemently opposed to this project

      Editorial staff are vehemently opposed to this project, so the successful applicant will require superior interpersonal and conflict resolution skills.

      In other words, you have to know which end of a cattle prod is which.

      1. Grikath

        Re: Editorial staff are vehemently opposed to this project

        Noo need fer a' Moostick, Laddy. Yes' use yer HEID on 'em scunners...

  9. Not also known as SC

    "Successful applicants will work with Prof Rice whom we have hired to head this development effort."

    Something's not right here - El Reg spending money on something other than beer???

    1. Rich 11 Silver badge

      Well, Budweiser is brewed from rice. Then again, Budweiser isn't beer.

  10. Adam 1


    This site has quite a proven track record of predicting the future.

    A year ago, coincidentally to the day, there was an innovative suggestion about JavaScript crypto miners being delivered by a website rather than ads to annoy people. Now we have coinhive to deal with.

    My best wishes to the successful applicant. May this be a memorable day for you.

  11. Aitor 1

    Old news

    I here humbly propose we further delve into AI.

    Not only can thereg substitute the journos, I think it can, sorry, IT MUST, substitute all the commentards. That way they would react as expected, and everyone would be happy, or as happy as the algorithm determines.

    1. Steve K

      Re: Old news

      Careful what you wish for - AManfromMars1 is already an AI - they've never debugged him fully (or slightly...)

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Old news

        Debug a day and drop a Hokku. Do it for ten or more years, and that's, generally, IT (-;

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Old news

      > "...I think it can, sorry, IT MUST, substitute all the commentards."

      "I'm" pretty sure that's already happened.

    3. PNGuinn

      Re: Substitute News ...

      So ...

      We have a series of random bots to write the headlines.

      We have a series of random bots to write the stories.

      We have a series of random bots to write the comments.

      So, no change then, until Apple and Ms decide to talk to the bots.

      It'll never catch on .... Oh, wait ....

  12. handleoclast

    I see you've already filled the rôle

    And the new hire's first act was to fiddle with the comment icons.

    Signed, a proud forum troll since Easter Day, 2018.

    1. VinceH

      Re: I see you've already filled the rôle

      Oh, I just assumed every poster was an Australian troll.

  13. Camilla Smythe


    I hope you are doing well.

    We have been providing web design services for the past 8 years and all our websites are designed and developed with a special focus on increasing conversions and enhancing the customer experience.

    We provide back end Web Development support to a number of agencies and have expertise in-

    * Developing highly effective corporate websites, flash designs, E- Commerce/Online Web Stores to name a few.

    * Php, MySql, .NET, Joomla, WordPress, Perl, Drupal, ASP, JSP, HTML.

    * Design- Flash, Photoshop, Corel

    * ECommerce – OS Commerce, Zen Cart, Virtue Mart, Pay Pal, FedEx and any checkout Payment Gateway systems.

    * Website design for mobile, ipad, iphone, tab, Android, Windows etc. at very reasonable cost.

    Let me know if you have any requirement or want a fresh look and increasing sales so that we will be able to provide you further solution as per your requirements.

    We have some special offer this festive season.

    Please revert to me with your interest.

    Kind Regards,


  14. Blockchain commentard

    How about this for a headline?

    Click-bait developers wanted !!!

  15. MrT

    Addendum : Note to applicants...

    Experience working at the William Morris Institute for Automation Research will be considered advantageous...

  16. This post has been deleted by its author

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's the end of an era I tell you. You young people today...

    Blah blah.

    Assorted old codgery complaints.

  18. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    William Morris?

    Bloody armchair Socialist.

  19. Steve K

    No DevOps?

    You missed out DevOps from the requirements - shome mishtake shurely?

    1. PNGuinn

      Re: No DevOps?

      No, DevBots.


      Queshtion is - will they be Agile enough?

    2. GrumpenKraut

      Re: No DevOps?

      perl -e 'print "My DevOps is full of eels!\n"; '

      Do I qualify? Version 2.0 will have three different headlines!!!


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