back to article King Battistelli tries again to break Euro Patent Office union

The president of the European Patent Office has embarked on yet another effort to undermine his organization's staff union. In confidential documents seen by The Register, the president's team has drafted changes to the organization's articles that would effectively give him veto power over the election of union …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ..sacking people that disagree with him. Appointing yes men to high places. Forcing his views across regardless of what those say around him.

    This is all sounding very familiar.

    1. Matt Ryan

      Re: Hmmm...

      Jeremy Corbyn?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Hmmm...

        Well, it's true Mr Corbyn is using a three line whip to tell MPs to ignore their consituents' wishes and toe the Party line, which is certainly not the most democratic thing ever (and is a direct slap in the face to those constituencies from his Party leadership and any MP that caves in - they are their to speak for their constituents, not parrot the leader's position, especially as he wasn't even leader at least election - and yes, I would say the same about May).

        However it sounds King Battistelli wouldn't use a three line whip, but an actual whip if he could?

        1. cantankerous swineherd

          Re: Hmmm...

          it's also true that the same Mr Corbyn is using the same three line whip to force MPs to comply with their constituents wishes. eg Barnsley, where a lot of the people who'd fight the "progressives" war in Syria come from.

  2. James 51

    What will it take to get rid of this guy? Surprised no mention was made of the incident with the brakes on his bike.

    1. DropBear

      Probably a Kickstarter raising enough to hire an assassin. I don't see anything else working...

      1. Trigonoceps occipitalis

        What are your stretch goals? A particularly gruesome and expensive death or another target?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          "What are your stretch goals? A particularly gruesome and expensive death "

          slow reply, sorry - but surely when you're talking about gruesome deaths and stretch goals surely it just has to be the rack?

  3. David Roberts

    More worrying

    Is the number of respondents to the survey who DIDN'T think that he should resign.

    This suggests that they support his general approach. Much like the body who can remove him but won't.

    1. imanidiot Silver badge

      Re: More worrying

      I don't think he should resign either. He shouldn't get the chance. This guy deserves to be fired without benefits at the least.

      1. Trigonoceps occipitalis

        Re: More worrying

        The EU has form for that, the whistle-blower who pointed out the inconvenient fact that the accounts had not been signed off for several years was sacked by Niel Kinnock.

      2. Captain DaFt

        Re: More worrying

        "I don't think he should resign either. He shouldn't get the chance. This guy deserves to be fired without benefits at the least."

        Or maybe... This?

  4. Your alien overlord - fear me

    Is the Trumpster getting pointers from this guy?

  5. Len

    This is bound to end in a serious shake up

    The longer this saga drags on the more I feel this can only end in a complete overhaul of the structure. Once its constituent members have had enough and start to apply real pressure that will be inevitable.

    Making it an EU institution with associated membership for non-EU members such as Turkey and Albania and with parliamentary oversight by the European Parliament sounds like a logical conclusion.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: This is bound to end in a serious shake up

      " Once its constituent members have had enough and start to apply real pressure that will be inevitable."

      What do you mean 'once' they do. Surely they have been for some time, still shows no sign of budging.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: This is bound to end in a serious shake up

      I am surprised that you think that association with the EU would be a solution. To my mind it is the problem. I do not believe that the formalization of EU-EPO links with the UPC and Battistelli's arrival and actions are a coincidence. I do not think Battistelli is irrational as some have suggested. He is deliberately trying to turn the EPO into a mere registration system (like France's), the better to favor big corporations (remember his instruction to examiners to treat such applicants preferentially). If he succeeds then a Europe-wide patent system vastly skewed in favor of big business and against small and medium-sized applicants is a huge prize.

      Oversight by the European Parliament? Don't make me laugh. There have been many objections raised against Battistelli in that toothless talking-shop, with no result. If the EU were to act as a bloc they could put a stop to his gallop immediately. But that won't happen. Also, France could withdraw him at any moment. The fact that they don't means that have something to gain by his continuation. Maybe they think the UPC court is a plum, or his political chums are being "encouraged" by those who would benefit from a Europe-wide registration system. I dunno. But considering the EU as a remedy for injustice is just plain daft. As someone has mentioned, one need only remember its accounts scandal.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What I don't understand is

    Why is he doing this at all?

    If he suddenly got full dictatorial unaccountable control of a diplomatically immune organisation, what does he plan to do with it?

    What's in it for him to make himself the second most unpopular leader in Europe?

    1. SImon Hobson Silver badge

      Re: What I don't understand is

      Ego trip would be my assessment.

      Plus, the more power he has, the less trouble he'll have in future in deciding on his pay rises.

      1. imanidiot Silver badge

        Re: What I don't understand is


  7. chivo243 Silver badge
    Thumb Down

    Too many ego maniacs in charge




    Jung un

    Wilders(maybe in March)


    This is only off the top of my head....

    1. imanidiot Silver badge

      Re: Too many ego maniacs in charge

      Wilders won't be in charge. I give him very little chance of actually becoming Minister-President. The PVV will be quite large, but there is a good chance we'll be "blessed" with a cabinet cobbled together from whatever is left of the VVD and a collection of smaller parties. The biggest obstacle is that nobody wants to form a coalition with the guy and there is no way he'll get the 76 seats he needs to pull it alone. We might even get the whole fun of not having a functional government for a LONG, LONG time. (We MIGHT even beat the belgians who managed 589 days without an elected government, though I doubt it)

      1. Alistair

        Re: Too many ego maniacs in charge

        @ imanidiot:

        "No one in their right mind would vote for Trump!"

        < quoted somewhere at beginning of the beginning of 2016 >

        1. imanidiot Silver badge

          Re: Too many ego maniacs in charge

          You and I both know that a large portion of our fellow human beings aren't in their right minds most of the time! I'm certainly not. I'm just observant enough to know it. (hence my nick)

          Also, current polls have Wilders' PVV at somewhere around 33 seats. Certainly the largest party, but not enough to be certain of forming a government. And polls have very often turned out to be somewhat pessimistic about the numbers for the "standard parties" (PVDA, VVD, CDA, D66) and slightly too optimistic about the typical opposition parties (Groenlinks, PVV, SGP, etc).

          Can I be certain about it? Well no. Fortunately the Dutch system doesn't put nearly as much power in the hands of the "ruling party" and the prime-minister as the US system gives the president.

          1. Alistair

            Re: Too many ego maniacs in charge


            I certainly don't know the Dutch political system very well. I do know its not such like the American style though, hopefully more along the lines of us Canucks *grin*.

            Recently however I'm loosing even more faith in the global herd. I think I mentioned somewhere about an island in the south pacific, as far away from 'this world' as possible......

            1. imanidiot Silver badge

              Re: Too many ego maniacs in charge

              Well, if it turns out I was wrong about Wilders becoming PM and about him having much power I might be looking for just such an isolated island. Or find a way to move to a different continet of this planet (Probably either Canuckistan or 'Stralia though currently I don't meet the requirements to get a residency status unfortunately.)

      2. Mike Banahan

        Re: Too many ego maniacs in charge

        Out of interest, how catastrophic did it prove to be that there was nobody in charge? I have long harboured a suspicion that politicians are of marginal-to-negative benefit to the community at large and seek, from a purely philosophical viewpoint, evidence on either side of the view.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Removing the quality control

    "As president, he has tried to push through more patents at a faster rate and at lower costf"

    Saw this before at the USPTO during the Reagan years that caused a lot of rubbish to issue.

  9. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

    Re: King Battistelli

    Duce, actually.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I don't know enough about their inner working or accountability but can imagine, 'nice patent application ya got there gov, shame if something were to happen to it'.

    I'm currently writing a patent so I've followed this story with interest. I wonder if so much of our governments are corrupt how could my patent application be screwed around with.

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