Re: "...sending their...Aircraft Carrier...down the English Channel in a show of force"
"The best route from their base in Russia for the Med is down the denmark straits and into the Atlantic."
Going via the Denmark Strait would be considerably longer and would also be a deep-water route, making it very easy for subs to tail them. As well as being shorter, the English Channel route would be a very tricky proposition, bordering on dangerous, for a submerged submarine due the the shallow depths, strong currents and numerous banks; a trailing sub would have to break off before the Dover Strait, so you'd need another to pick up the trail after the transit.
Although traffic levels in the English Channel are very high, that traffic is very well coordinated and there's little congestion - the traffic keeps moving pretty well.
So whilst it is a show of strength, it's not just a show of strength.
"They (The Russians) regularly send over Bombers to test our defenses."
It's really just propaganda to describe the Tu-95MS (the only Tu-95 variant currently in service) as a bomber - yes, it's a cruise missile carrier but it wouldn't be used as such in any contestable airspace, such as border regions, as it's far too vulnerable; it's primarily used for long distance recon and SIGINT.