The way forward
Having demonstrated time and time again how little real intelligence they have perhaps they see this artificial stuff as their future.......
With all the hype buzz surrounding artificial intelligence right now, Microsoft has decided to repurpose its long-established Microsoft Research division into a new group focused chiefly on AI development. The newly formed Microsoft AI and Research Group brings together more than 5,000 computer scientists and engineers, with a …
No, I don't want to buy a Lawnmower. I've just moved into a 4ft floor apartment.
"No, no, it's correct, our records show you also ordered shag carpet. Would you like extended warranty with that land mower, Sir?"
Well, it's Microsoft AI, what did you expect?
If someone from the US tells you, who lives in a faraway land (that voters don't care about) that "democratization" is about to happen, you know there will be something solid coming down the chimney stack, like Bad Santa abseiling a heavy protein-laden digesto-pellet.
Same here, I reckon.
BingAi: Hallo. What can I do for you today.
User: I need to get to work at (address)
BingAi: Your credit score is sufficient to take out a $45,000 loan to buy (ADVERTISER) car model (HOTTICKET). Tap here to buy.
User: No, I have a car I just need directions
BingAi: We have found 84 devices on sale on 8 different marketing platforms that can provide directions. The most popular of these is (ADVERTISER) model (JUNK+1) at $275.00 Tap here to purchase.
User: No, just look up the directions and give me a map on my phone dammit.
BingAi: Your phone is 4 months old! You need to update your phone, We've found 11 Models of phone that have many improvements. We suggest (ADVERTISER) model. Tap here to buy.
@Sebastian A - too true. How would MS (particularly) and Google recognise intelligence even if they somehow managed to create it when they haven;t much themselves?
I have ethical reservations regarding the field of AI (I'm not unthinkingly anti, mind, just have reservations), but if there's one thing that'd make me immediately distrustful of an AI it'd be knowing that it was created by MS or Google. Which'd be rather unfair on the AI itself, but heck - see why I have ethical reservations?
That said - I do want an Aineko!
How about they start again and focus on making an OS that works properly before they set their sights on something more complicated. After all, it's difficult to get credibility when the track record is poor.
I've got no interest in any AI, I'll stick to the real thing thanks.
Regarding a Microsoft project wanting to be like a Google program ...... which takes no prisoners?
From: XXXXXXXXSubject: An Engaging Competition or Emergent Opposition, or Both and Something Else Too and Beautifully Creative
Date: 30 January 2016 at 09:46:55 GMT
Hi, Google DeepMinded,
Not so much a CV, more an AIMission Statement with tried and tested roadmaps to/from Remote Virtual Command and Control of Earthed SCADA Systems …….
Search Engine Optimisation v2.0 [and above] is surely logically a Future Product Placements Engine …… Advanced Intelligence Resource with Immaculate Source, with the likes of a Google not searching for answers, both popular and controversial, but providing them with streams of supporting evidence.
Such would be akin to the Private Mentoring with Pirated Monitoring of Future Events with AIDerivative Programming for Projects/Semi-Autonomous, Self-Actualisation of Virtual Realities.
It is difficult, and maybe even impossible, to see or imagine a defence against such in an attacking configuration.
The newly formed Microsoft AI and Research Group brings together more than 5,000 computer scientists and engineers, with a mission to "democratize AI for every person and organization," whatever that means.
Brace yourself for the democratization of AI. It’s a movement that might eventually include millions of people — and, some say, billions. …. A startup called Bonsai and an emerging class of companies with the same idea say yes. …. But the bigger story is how Bonsai fits into the movement to put AI into the hands of people who have not had specific training in it. We can expect higher-level tools to become increasingly powerful and, ultimately, ubiquitous. Will we really get to the point where every human in the world trains and uses AI? Put it this way: a lot of smart money is betting on it. ….
What could possibly go wrong…. putting powerful tools in the hands of folk with no specific training and zero experience?
Seems like a surefire every which way bet to lose a helluva lot of smart money.