back to article GCHQ: Crypto's great, we're your mate, don't be like that and hate

Robert Hannigan, director of UK spy agency GCHQ, has said this week there is an ethical problem presented by encryption. The snoop-boss, speaking to an audience at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US, said the industry's technical experts should help intelligence analysts crack crypto used by criminals. …


  1. wolfetone Silver badge

    Privacy is an ethical problem now is it? Makes me think that the PR guru or policy maker for GCHQ worked in Germany between 1939 - 1945.

    1. The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge
      Black Helicopters

      Yes, just as free speech is an ethical problem. You know, bad people might say bad things, so free speech must be stamped out. Its for your own good, and who better to trust than Law Enforcement? <\sarcasm>

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Ethical problems

        I am not sure GCHQ is in a position to lecture the rest of us on ethics.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Ethical problems

          I feel that GCHQ, like a lot of organizations suffer from meddling from the politicos, and in the main the majority are hard working highly motivated people. Unfortunately these people aren't the ones making the dumb decisions,such as lowering the bar, thats the politicos who have more to fear from the masses.

          Yes we need them to protect us from the nasties out there, but no we don't need them, and I suggest they would agree, to their talents being utilised checking Mrs Scroggins isn't trying to fiddle the school entry rules.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      The Era of the Warrant is Over

      Fuck all law enforcement.

  2. Duncan Macdonald

    Goodwill GCHQ ?


    When has GCHQ ever had goodwill (or even honesty)??

    1. phuzz Silver badge

      Re: Goodwill GCHQ ?

      When it was still based at Bletchley Park? (the goodwill, not the honesty)

      1. Long John Brass

        Re: Goodwill GCHQ ?



        The various government organs have burned through whatever little goodwill they had left

        Overreaching councils snooping on your bins or police "just checking up" on neighbours, ex wives/husbands. Security agencies drag-netting all cell & internet comms (but its ok cuz it only meta data)

        All because the ${badGuys} and ${boogyMen} will get us.... Won't somebody think of the ${emotionalHotButton}


        Mines the one with the meds in the pocket

  3. Andy Non Silver badge

    These people just don't seem to understand encryption.

    Communications are either cryptographically secure or they are not. There is no magical half-way point where law enforcement or "friendly" governments can have some means to access the encrypted data without that same means being available to hackers, unfriendly governments, criminals or others.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: These people just don't seem to understand encryption.

      They are not addressing backdoors because it's bad PR and it's what China and Russia do. Instead looking at France and the UK, laws are made which threaten heavy fines and jail sentences so that end-to-end encryption or devices with encryption that is too difficult to break are designed-out at the design stage.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: These people just don't seem to understand encryption.

        so that end-to-end encryption or devices with encryption that is too difficult to break are designed-out at the design stage

        The release of those papers is supposed to assure us that GCHQ are becoming more transparent and to demonstrate they are really, really clever people. So let's run with that for a moment.

        Either through backdoors that aren't called backdoors, or simply through banning too-difficult to break security, GCHQ will know as the rest of do that the really organised crims, paedoterrorists and the like who are (supposedly, hah!) the real targets will quickly and readily find alternative communications tactics. Denying these people the ability to do business on an Android phone or Windows/Apple computer isn't going to stop them, and the inconvenience is going to be marginal when they are already always looking over their shoulders. In many cases they will happily continue to use these systems, because they rely on idiot codes - as did SOE very effectively during WW2. In that case GCHQ won't even have caused these people modest inconvenience.

        Then again, Hannigan's a typical civil servant, having studied "Classics" at Oxford, so we shouldn't be surprised. Can you imagine the chortling amongst the Bullingdon chums: "Binky Hannigan's moaning that he's cleverer than Sherlock Holmes again because he studied Classics, and we all did PPE. So I'm going to call his bluff by putting him in charge of the most technical most secret agency the government has!"

        So, knowing that this won't affect the real villains, the only logical rationale for GCHQ's ambitions to give themselves unlimited prying rights is that it nothing to do with serious criminals, and everything to do with spying on workaday criminals (which I doubt) or is purely to support Theresa May's dystopian vision of universal surveillance of the population by the state.

        And another thing, Mr Hannigan: If you want things to be different, and to be held in higher esteem, and to have some support, why are you spouting off to MI-fucking-T in Merkinland? If you want to get some support in the UK from people other than Big State enthusiasts, write something for the Reg (I'm sure they'd be delighted) and join us down here in the dirt of the Commentariat, if that's not too common for you?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: These people just don't seem to understand encryption.

          Dirt? How very dare you.

          Also, I need to understand what you mean by classics at Oxford.

          Are you referring to shoes, marmalade and dictionaries?

          If so this chap needs to get a proper education, that knowledge is useless in his position. Frightful.

      2. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Re: These people just don't seem to understand encryption.

        Just realised that that's why the Internet Connection Record is so nebulous too. Scare the ISPs and they'll hand as much as they can over and there's no dirty law which says we want it all on a plate.

        1. Peter2

          Re: These people just don't seem to understand encryption.

          As a thought exercise, if GCHQ/NSA actually had the ability to break encryption at will what would they be saying and doing publicly at the moment?

      3. Alan Brown Silver badge

        Re: These people just don't seem to understand encryption.

        > laws are made which threaten heavy fines and jail sentences

        The UK has had a standard approach to this for years - if a judge directs you to provide decrypted data for the court and you fail to do so, it's contempt and gets punished as such.

        If anything the laws reduce your exposure - you can be held almost indefinitely on contempt charges.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Threat model

    Everybody who isn't Bob or Alice is Mallory.

    GCHQ is Mallory. "Lawful authorities" are Mallory.

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: Threat model

      Bob is an idiot anyway:

      1. phuzz Silver badge
        Black Helicopters

        Re: Threat model

        Unless you mean Bob Howard.

        (Middle names; Oliver Francis)

  5. Gray


    "That is where we will need goodwill on both sides.”

    Given the repeated violations of trust and transparency by GCHQ and NSA, how can goodwill possibly exist in a climate of distrust?

    1. Graham Cobb

      Re: Goodwill?

      That is what I said to someone I know who works at GCHQ just after the Snowden leaks. GCHQ have, by their actions over the last 20-30 years, voided our trust. They will never again be allowed, by my generation, to have the same power again.

      Until those of us who remember their crimes are gone they can beg, whine, scream, threaten or corrupt as much as they like but they will be fighting the population.

      The abuse had been going on since the 70s: completely illegal and dis-proportionate abuse of powers to monitor legitimate political parties (including the Labour party!) and trade unions. Later, helping the police to drive towards a police state for anyone who dares to protest (see the John Catt case). Finally their "climate of fear" pushing of a serious but very infrequent crime (terrorism) as if it was a serious threat to life or liberty.

      The actual threat to liberty is the abuse of extremely dangerous powers which should be being used maybe once a year, not on the whim of a politician or police officer.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Goodwill?

        "That is what I said to someone I know who works at GCHQ just after the Snowden leaks."

        What was their reply? Or is that classified?

        1. Graham Cobb

          Re: Goodwill?

          They were surprised by the vehemence of my concern and by my proposed solution: massive budget cuts to bring them under proper control and focus their minds on the things that are really important. Needless to say, they did not agree. Not that they were in a position to do anything about it anyway (as far as I know, of course).

      2. Mark 85

        Re: Goodwill?

        Until those of us who remember their crimes are gone they can beg, whine, scream, threaten or corrupt as much as they like but they will be fighting the population.

        Let's not give the powers that be any ideas, shall we? I can see here in the US that the "purge/gulag" mentality is rising. It appears to be that getting way in Blighty, also. Not too many countries that aren't pushing things that direction in the name of "security".

    2. SolidSquid

      Re: Goodwill?

      He's pretty much mirroring Clinton's comments that "the government is not your enemy" to companies like Google who had their inter-datacentre links tapped by the NSA. That kind of comment is intended to frame the argument for the general public as a "these people are being unreasonable too, and even though we're making an effort now they're still refusing to budge!". It's a PR stunt, nothing more, which is probably why he did it in another country where people are less familiar with what's going on with GCHQ

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Goodwill?

      Is that the same king of UK State goodwill that Turing experienced?

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Goodwill?

      He must mean the definition described in George Orwell's 1984:

      “There will be no loyalty, except loyalty toward the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother".

      If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

  6. DropBear

    And what gave you that idea?

    Well I for one DO WANT the same level of protection as nuclear submarines have in my communications with _everything_. I may not _need_ it and I may not be prepared to jump through all the hoops needed in order to use it, but I sure as hell do _want_ it!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Black Helicopters

      Re: And what gave you that idea?

      It's like the film industry with their erroneous use of tech jargon. "It uses military grade encryption!"

      Eh no. We just use the same cutting edge crypto suites for everything.

      1. Doctor_Wibble

        Re: And what gave you that idea?

        > "It uses military grade encryption!"

        Yes, thank god for that, otherwise we would never get in!

  7. Warm Braw

    The importance of encryption for the economy and for the individual.

    identity verification for Government digital services ... the security of domestic “smart” power meters

    If these are so important, and both fall within programmes mandated by government and presumably open to advice from GCHQ, why are the implementations so unfit for purpose?

    1. scrubber
      Big Brother

      Re: The importance of encryption for the economy and for the individual.

      The government are mandating permanently connected devices be installed in every house in the country, capable of monitoring temperature, energy use ... and sound? ... and reporting back to some centralised server somewhere. Why? To save the planet, of course, and stop looking too closely, it saves you money too. Squirrel.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Big Brother

        Re: The importance of encryption for the economy and for the individual.

        The Register actually ran a story 2-3 years back about how outsiders can use intercepted telemetry from your smart meter to tell what you are watching. Apparently, the subtle changes in power consumption reported through the telemetry can allow others to figure out whether you are watching Star Wars, Citizen Kane or SpongeBob Squarepants.

        As I recall, my solution was to leave your second TV set to high-brow costume dramas, the arts and news programs, while using a portable generator to power your big TV off the grid, where you actually watched bikini-babe movies and sports.

        1. Anonymous Coward

          Re: The importance of encryption for the economy and for the individual.

          No No, the other way around - they are not concerned about bikini-babe viewers as they never have dangerous ideas

  8. tiggity Silver badge


    "For nearly 100 years we have been intimately involved in strengthening encryption."

    (My edit: Strengthening for use by us & our friends but not for the general public).

    Said in the same breath as finally revealing Ellis documents & GCHQ would doubtless have been very happy if Diffie, Hellman & Merkle had not published on public key encryption.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      chutzpah indeed

      Some more:

      > For those of us in intelligence and law enforcement, the key question is not which door to use, but whether entry into the house is lawful at all.

      Note the use of "house" singular. The problem the public has with you, Mr. Hannigan, is that while you stand up and say "house", singular, at conferences, your employer has legislation going through Parliament at this very moment which says "houses", plural, in fact every single household in the land, and beyond.

      This is the reason why no one trusts you.

      1. John H Woods

        Re: chutzpah indeed

        "legislation going through Parliament at this very moment which says "houses", plural, in fact every single household in the land, and beyond." --- 2+2=5

        More to the point, they were already doing it even before legislation was proposed, let alone passed, that they should be able to do so.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: chutzpah

      Supposedly there was some pressure applied to Diffie et al to not publish, luckily they did not give in or we'd all be struggling with unwieldly secret key encryption.

  9. Zippy's Sausage Factory

    Same ethical problem as hammers

    Hammers can be used as a weapon by criminals, yet we all still enjoy their ability to put nails into walls, a process which generally speaking prevents our houses falling down.

    Ethical dilemma? Right. Spook friendly PR...

  10. Primus Secundus Tertius

    Wedges with thin ends

    Once upon atime, the activities of GCHQ and the other security services were limited to thwarting the efforts of states and other groups that were hostile or unsympathetic to us as a country. But since the "end of the Cold War" and the advent of the glorious "peace dividend", their activites have been extended to counter ordinary "serious crime". That's what happens when we are ruled by bean counters.

    We are told they work against "organised crime", i.e. gangsters, and against child molesters. If they say so, perhaps; but meanwhile don't recycle too many goody-goody recyclables into the plain old black bag, and be careful what address you choose to get your child into a good school (*).

    I would like to see the remit of the security services firmly reset to its old position of thwarting the Queen's enemies.

    (*)When my old grammar school was made comprehensive, it was relocated to the most expensive suburb of that city, where my parents could never have afforded to live.

    1. Mystic Megabyte

      Re: Wedges with thin ends

      >(*)When my old grammar school was made comprehensive, it was relocated to the most expensive suburb of that city, where my parents could never have afforded to live.


      1. Primus Secundus Tertius

        Re: Wedges with thin ends

        No, sir, not Owen's.

        I guess my old place is not the only one now restricted to the rich.

  11. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

    Hannigan added: “But what the history of our cryptology teaches me above all is that the enduring problems in the debate over privacy and security are essentially moral rather than technical.”

    Okay, that covers* morals. What about ethics?

    *okay, 'mentions morals'

    1. nijam Silver badge

      > Okay, that covers* morals. What about ethics?

      Morals and ethics are apparently (given the substantial divergence from person to person, let alone nation to nation) are little more than personal opinion, sadly.

  12. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    "Holocaust", "Turing would have this and that" and a "Moral Questions"??

    The button-pushing (if not retconning) is strong in this one...

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge
      Big Brother

      Re: "Holocaust", "Turing would have this and that" and a "Moral Questions"??

      I'm sure Turing would have loved his superiors being able to call up the details of everybody's private life.

      1. Adam 52 Silver badge

        Re: "Holocaust", "Turing would have this and that" and a "Moral Questions"??

        I occasionally ponder how many of the WW2 "heroes" would have had their security clearances pulled had their private correspondence been known.

        We quite possibly would have no GCHQ and no atomic bomb, leading to a very different outcome. We should learn from history and make sure we're not in that position the next time.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Due process

    If a criminal commits a crime, you serve him with a warrant, approved by a court, he is compelled to unlock the device or can challenge the warrant. Why should GCHQ have a backdoor into encryption to bypass that judicial process?

    If he's already dead, tough luck, you can't arrest him anyway. Anyone he talked to is a phone billing record away, go after them instead.

    What you're actually trying here is to strip the judicial and privacy rights from Britain.

    Once GCHQ were code breakers breaking ENEMY codes. Now they do a full take on BRITISH comms, they help conceal PRISM surveillance of Britain from Parliament, and here they want British encryption back-doored. You lot in the donut are the biggest threat to the UK.

    It was revealed that Obama gets a briefing on governmental secrets. It was revealed that the 5-eyes-no-spy agreement was ignored if the information was useful to the US. It was revealed that "The Wilson Doctrine" is worthless, you hoover up all Parliaments and government ministers internet data along with everyone elses. Today its Obama, tomorrow it will be Chancellor Trump who gets his briefing if our secrets. Secrets that largely come from your Full Take data.

    We need compulsory encryption to protect our government and Parliament's private communications from you. That encryption needs to be GCHQ proof. Because you lot have lost the plot.

    1. Pedigree-Pete

      Re: Due process

      GCHQ: Here's an encryption tool you can use that we can't crack, honest guv.

      Us: Great, thanks a lot, that's that settled then. :)

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    All this mention of Turing

    Has anyone pointed out he was one of their victims in the end?

  15. Adair Silver badge

    He's right it is a 'moral' question...

    '...stated he was “puzzled by the caricatures in the current debate, where almost every attempt to tackle the misuse of encryption by criminals and terrorists is seen as a ‘backdoor’.”'

    When people have been lied to by state agents, and when those agents have seen fit to act regardless of 'just cause' or actual 'evidence', is it any wonder that said 'people' are just a tad cynical about any subsequent 'promises' and 'explanations', even when they are made in good faith. That's what happens when you lose trust---people don't trust you. Quelle suprize!

    The 'moral' question is: What can our state agents do to convince us that they will act with integrity and good faith towards 'the people' whose lives and livelihoods they are charged to protect?

    In reality there is probably nothing they can do; they've blown it. They blew it years (hundreds of years) ago. The only thing that has changed is the extent of their reach and the time-frame of their reach---longer reach, and much faster. Apart from that it really is business as usual, and hoping that there are always enough 'good' people in the system to mitigate the worst tendencies of those who are motivated by greed, power, and fear.

    The best we can probably hope for is some kind of Mexican stand-off, between the state agents, the criminals, and the rest of us. The graveyard scene in 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly', comes to mind, but without a resolution.


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