. too late.
The "easily avoidable" crapware wrappers were *not* & often didn't include (Clear|Obvious|Any) means of declining the wrapped bits to get to the program you thought you had downloaded.
The Gimp Project had not only stopped using SourceForge, but SF's editors were actively scraping the Gimp's other repository to "update" the SF version of the Gimp's page, in clear violation of both the SF & Gimp's ReleaseLicense format.
Then SF locked out the actual owner of the Gimp's SF page so there was no way to update the page to say "If you're looking for Gimp, don't get it from here!"
Folks have been complaining about the crapware wrappers on SF for years. FireZilla (the FTP client from Mozilla) agreed to let the installer be wrapped in a "revenue sharing" plan, and despite all the uproar from the folks that couldn't decline the crap-wrap, SF continued to infect the files.
This situation has been going on at SF for years & the *ONLY* reason they're backpeddling now is because they did it to an "abandoned" project that wasn't, was no longer maintained on the SF site, & the real coders got it splattered all over the Media to prove what lying sacks of bullock sweat SF has been all this time.
I (and plenty of others) have rightly avoided SF like the plague for years because of this crap. Their site's UI makes determining which "Download Me" link is the one for the program you're there to get rather than the adware they're trying to ram down your throat. The wrapped crapware means SF is profiting off the hard work of others whom are *already* paying SF to host the files. SF's causing damage to the reputations of the coders whom have possibly created awesome programs, but nobody can find that out because the crappy wrapper gets the files flagged as malicious by antivirus/antimalware programs.
So don't use SourceForge. If you absolutely can't find the file anywhere else, be sure to scan the hell out of it before running it, & make *EXTREMELY* sure to uncheck any third party software install attempts.
SF has already burnt their Good Will, blown up the bridge, & flushed it's reputational corpse down the toilet. That stench your smelling now is just the putrifaction seeping up through the intertubez.