back to article LOHAN seeks stirring motto for spaceplane mission patch

The Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator (LOHAN) team has decided that in the best tradition of space endeavour, our audacious Vulture 2 spaceplane mission needs a proper embroidered patch so that we may reach for the heavens in style. In fact, having something to sew on your flight suit/lab coat is pretty well obligatory, and …


  1. Pete 2 Silver badge

    Sound advice for a scary mission

    > a stirring motto à la "Audentes fortuna adiuvat".

    Well, since it's got to be in Latin, just so's it sounds impressive (all Latin stuff sounds impressive until you translate it), then I would humbly submit

    Semper ubi sub ubi

    as any fule kno

    1. NumptyScrub

      Re: Sound advice for a scary mission

      Courtesy of online translators ^^;

      Si non faciat, cum malleo percute.

      1. A Twig

        Re: Sound advice for a scary mission

        My Latin is very rusty, but perhaps better parsed as:

        Si non operando est, cum malleo percute.

        Definitely agree with the sentiment and idea though, upvote ahoy!

    2. NoneSuch Silver badge

      Re: Sound advice for a scary mission

      "ad astra apud cervisias et lardum"

      To the stars with a beer and bacon

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Sounds like it's time for Ariadne to get her box of felt pens out.

    Let's hope with the passing of time she hasn't lost her artistic bent.

  3. Nigel Crockford

    How about....

    Per Ardua Ad Nauseam.

    Just seems right on so many levels.

    1. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

      Re: How about....

      Or given certain balloon propensities, more like

      Per Ardua Ad Arbor

      ("through adversity to the tree")

      1. Lester Haines (Written by Reg staff) Gold badge

        Re: Re: How about....

        Per cervisiam ad astra. Speaking of which...

        1. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

          Re: How about....

          Shouldn't that have been the motto of the London Pride mob?

          1. Lester Haines (Written by Reg staff) Gold badge

            Re: Re: How about....

            Indeed, yes it should.

  4. Ben Bonsall

    Nam Craic!

    Because LOHAN will do anything etc etc.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Illegitimi non est carborundum "

    or 'don't let the bastards grind you down' (It's all I remember from latin classes at school)

  6. Hugh Pumphrey

    In spaaace ...

    In vacuo nemo clamorem audit

    1. Ralph B

      Re: In spaaace ...

      I was thinking somewhat along those lines too: "Colei canis in aere" or "The dog's bollocks in the air".

      But "Colei canis in vacuo" could work too.

  7. Scuby

    Altius nititur Columbias optimus!

  8. TRT

    Reaching for the heavens in style.

    Pervenientes usque pro stilo cælos in

  9. JonP

    (via google translate rather than any proficiency in Latin whatsoever...)

    Da Da Per Forcipem

    (Give Me The Pliers)

    1. Ugotta B. Kiddingme

      or go full-on Firesign Theater

      Non ut illum Pumilio, da da per forcipem

  10. TRT


    Defectus non est optio

  11. Isendel Steel

    To the upper atmosphere and back ?

    et reversus est ad aethera

  12. SpeakerToAliens

    Closest I could get using Google Translate

    Omnes vacuums hereditatem datæ sunt nobis

    (All your space are belong to us)

  13. Andy E

    Something with substance

    Ne obliviscaris legis meae et medication

  14. breakfast

    Cesarian suggestion

    Veni vici ballocketi

  15. disgruntled yank Silver badge

    not Latin

    But how about "Helium Heads to Greater Heights"? Or is the expression "helium head" only an Americanism?

  16. Lobrau

    Google Translate a go-go

    Ferrum faciem Dei

    (Punch the face of God)

  17. Ugotta B. Kiddingme

    still more quasi-latin

    Quid infernum, ne?

    (Why the hell not?)

  18. Woza

    A motto, courtesy of Pratchett

    Sodomy Non Sapiens - or, as the playmonaut might say: Morituri Nolumus Mori

    (Also, for inspiration on mission patches:

  19. Charlie_Manson

    How about

    sed usque non sunt ​​et nos

    'Are we there yet'

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      surely there should be a grep and an awk in there too...

  20. Don Jefe

    Getting High - In Space

    Getting High - In Space

  21. 's water music

    per ardua ad carlton

    using google translate seemed like cheating so how about:

    Metella est mater. Metella in horto est.

    1. Thecowking

      Re: per ardua ad carlton

      In that vein:

      Playmonaut est in astra, playmonaut asphyxiat.

  22. We're with Steve

    faster higher cheaper

    superioribus vilius pretium

  23. Christoph

    Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit (To boldly go)

    But after all that work, it might turn out to be:

    Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus

  24. Chris G

    Vulture Volans Alte

  25. Come to the Dark Side


    Vultur ad astra

  26. JimW

    Another reaching the heavens variation

    Tactis caelos a domus publici

    (Reaching the heavens from the public house)

  27. Ralph the Wonder Llama

    What's this, then?

    Romanes eunt domus?

  28. Rob Carriere

    To Boldly Fly where Mighty Orbs Go Bust.

    1. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

      Only if we have a Bulgarian Playmonaut(ess)

  29. Chris Hance

    Ex horreum, fugam.

    (From the shed [/barn], flight.)

  30. Bassey

    Quod in nobis est...

    Because we can...

  31. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    in infinitum, et ultra

    to infinity and beyond

  32. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Penetrate everything that matters"

  33. VinceH

    Surge, inquit, et recesserunt a te - Up, up and away!

    Id quod factum est, quo nunc ad proximum vectis - That's that done, now where's the nearest bar?

    Nunc demum in mare, non quasi ultimum playmonaut! - I hope I don't end up in the sea, like the last playmonaut!

    Tutum certo habes? - Are you sure this is safe?

  34. The Sod Particle

    hinc videt diversorium

    I can see the pub from here!

    or maybe

    taberna hinc video

    says it better

  35. joeW

    In the spirit of Fortune Favours The Brave

    I suggest (courtesy of Google Translate of course) "Inspiration favet taberna"

    "Inspiration Favours The Pub"

  36. ukgnome

    In honour of spaced


  37. chuBb.

    Nevermind the ballockets

  38. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

    Per pigritiam ad planetas

    Why does Google translate always pick one of the other meanings of a word when I translate back to English to check?


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