Well done El Reg
but your user base isn't just within the ring of doom. So if you could just email me the pint instead please.
We here at El Reg have much love for our vociferous, knowledgeable, occasionally somewhat foam-flecked forum posters - even if they/you don't absolutely always love us. It's not our way in general to show affection, or indeed any other emotion - we are British, after all - but we think it may be time to put some substance …
You can send mine over IRC: the Virtual Bar.
Some of us use the 'net to liberate us from the shackles of geography (not to mention London, with its slumlords and packed commutes). If you can't have a pint over irc or email I'll have to assume you have yet to catch up with the 1990s.
I know one thing: when cows graze in the vicinity of an oak, they always do so at 90° to the side on which moss grows. And if I knew which side the moss grows, I'd know two things.
I know two things, then, since I know if I knew which side the moss grows I would know two things, except that I would, therefore, know three things.
I do know that there's not a chance in Hell I'd be one of the 50. So I guess I do know three things.
I bet I'd know more than three things if I put my mind to it, which is, really, a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I think therefore I'll have a peppered, smoked mackerel sandwich and a coffee while I forget about being offered a pint with one hand and having it snatched away by the other.
This is for the UK.
- Age of consent and marriage with parents agreement, 16.
- Age at which you are legally allowed to drink, 18 (although there are variations in venues like restaurants where you can drink wine as long as it is served with a meal from a younger age).
And another age related restriction
- Age at which you are allowed to drive, 17 (unless you are a sole carer for a family member, where you can drive at 16).
So you can get married but not be allowed to drive to the Wedding or participate in the Champagne Toast.
at last an excuse to go to the other end of planet that might be sufficient. Some of your writers have real flair and impressive knowledge. Pity I have courses that require my attendance. Anything planned for Antipodes in future ? Preferably not in that crowded traffic clogged hellhole Sydney.
Excuse me, but that's MY adopted crowded traffic clogged hecklhole you''re insulting there. I''ll have you know that it's only actual Sydneysiders who're traditionally allowed to admit what a stinky, brown sky, horribly humid rathole it really is. To the rest of the world we present a united "best city in the world" front.
As for the pissup, sorry, quiet get together, I'm happy to travel Business Class only. Please have your people arrange the ticket and limo