"This topic is closed for new posts"
The article is less than a few hours old!
This topic was created by Jamie Jones .
The article is less than a few hours old!
I agree about the legal consequences angle, but I fail to see any scope for that in this particular article.
I would have expected plenty of comments on similar lines to the one that did get through, pointing out the high likelihood that the initiative would fail, but what sort of comment could possibly have had legal consequences?
I reckon the worst that could have happened would have been comments designed to ridicule a couple of politicians. Since when would that have had legal consequences?
I'll put my hand up - that was my fault. I accidentally hit the wrong button. I'm sorry about that.
Normally I can hit another switch to turn the comments back on, but this happened right in the middle of the rollout of some internal changes to our system, which delayed the regeneration of the forum for the article.
The comments are open again.
Don't trust them! Their logo is a vulture. It's all the clue you need, that they plan to devour you. There is a conspiracy - they're just trying to lull you into a false sense of security, so you'll take your tinfoil hat off!
And The Register never landed on the Moon either. They faked it in Playmobil, and it was only because the camera was so blurry that no-one but me noticed.
Why will no-one believe me!!!