Yeah.. I'm kind of with you on this..
Firstly I dont know what all the fuss is about the name, honestly people are just going to call it 'xbox' anyway I dont know anyone who currently referes to as a 360..
And all the additonal functions, M$ you dont seem to realise your trying to compete with my Smart-TV.
You need a TV to provide the functions, and my tv provides most of the stuff without having to turn on yet another box..
Kinect - nope dont want one, not sure why it needs it. and the fact its always on...
[M$] but we give you options to turn it disable the features
[ME] So I could just unplug it if need be..
[M$] No, the xbox wont work if you do
[ME] Why? Why does it even 'NEED' it in?
[M$] er.. because..
[ME] Looking forward to the first bit of hacker tech then to tell the system its there then aint I.
Yeah and the requires internet access, okay technically not 'Always Online' but if it REQUIRES it then it may of well be, so looking at throwing away about a 3rd of you customer base already M$ (but we need to see what this 'requirement' is, they cant be that dumb..can they?)
Then there the installs too hdd, but then the game is tied to the account and if someone sells/borrows the disk then a fee has to be paid.. er what?
Am begining to think M$ have lost the plot, at least a third of their customers are children who buy games 'second hand' what the hell to they think this will do to that market?! But frankly I think that is the point.
They want to treat their customers that corporate entites where we have to pay licences for everything.. sorry M$ the real world isnt like that.. And if this is what your aiming for.. then why are you even selling disks? especially since we dont need them to play the games? surely you could provide downloads for your 'may-as-well-be always online' machines and provide the games at a 3rd of the price since the overhead would be tiny?
It appears M$ is trying to pull alot of stuff people really dont want, but slip it under the radar and they need to be pulled up about it, rather than skip over it like in the vast majority of the reviews I've read so far..
okay rant over, I'll get my jacket..