Re: Catch 42 ... You cannot Successfully Defend what you don't know how to Stealthily Attack
I've been in the Army a long time, coming up on 20 years before too long (retirement and transfer over to the retired reserve), in INSCOM major subordinate commands nearly the entire time, and I've never heard of iSalute actually working for its purpose, that isn't to say it hasn't as I don't do counterintelligence, but Ive never heard of it happening that way.
If you think something's weird, the Military Police Staff Duty desk I have heard of being very effective though, unless the CID Resident Agency isn't too busy where you're at, depending on urgency. CI can usually sort it out and find out whats up after the MPs or Clowns in Disguise make an arrest. Its their job after all. But it does do the trick.
As does making a phone call to CQ desk at the weird MI Company in the phone directory that doesn't belong to the post's INSCOM battalion or the STB at an Infantry Brigade Combat Team or Heavy Brigade Combat Team.
Hell, there's always also the various Offices of Inspector General, FWIW. Or if you happen to be a Minority or Female and want to report something, you can act like you're filing an Equal Opportunity Act complaint and talk to your Company Commander and First Shirt, and possibly even the Battalion's Command Sergeant Major almost immediately whenever. Yeah, its abuse of the system that way, but it works if you have something you need acted on time now.
Also, you're seeing the security alerts, those hoops to jump through, because you don't have the DoD root certificates installed. Why it is even accessable from a domain is beyond me for precisely that reason, but from the marketing point of view it does make sense. Plus if you're in the Army, you probably use Army Knowledge Online at some point in your daily life and more than likely at several points, in several places, and on several devices during a day. To make AKO usable, you HAVE to have the DoD root certificates installed and running, as well as the CAC card reader. Any DISA hosted website with those annoying security alerts is geared toward military users, hence why its not only on AKO is sort of strange to me, except to appease certain interests.
I'm pretty sure its also on AKO by the way. It isn't that new of a system either. I remember seeing ads for iSalute about the same time as Interactive Customer Evaluations started becoming a big thing in units that provide services, like with MEDCOM and at the DFAC (what they used to call a mess hall) and commissary around 2002 or so.
iSalute's a way for those very same organic and separate Counterintelligence Battalions I'm talking about, the so-called "weird MI Company", to appease those interests by semi-publicly looking like they're doing something to Chris Congressman, Gary Grunt, Sammy Support Soldier, and Tommy Taxpayer. But make no mistake, it didn't stop Bradley Manning from doing what he allegedly did while deployed, and it didn't stop Nidal Hasan from not so allegedly shooting up Fort Hood. Its failed to stop numerous leaks to the media from within the Department of the Army as well.
My point is that more often than not it is still traditional CI and Law Enforcement methodology that catches spies and terrorists, as well as the garden variety non-sponsored criminals.