RSVP ..... to a Real Live Phish BetaTesting UKGBNI Intelligence Services .....
.... for Future Fitness to Serve as Servers of Great IntelAIgent Games Plays
If one is providing a product/service/application/program/project transparently and free of charge to any and all on the internet, and it be recognised to be a highly sensitive and both highly disruptive and extremely dangerous and a constructive and lucrative great global game-changer, would there be an onus on an effective security protection being supplied and handled by a Silent Circle type group application, if the aforementioned great global game-changer were sought to be more sympathetic/insider trader leading to a particular virtual terrain team for the inequitable advantage that it would deliver?
Nobody can supply effective security to any product or system if they be unaware of what that product or system actually, really and virtually, provides, and that requires that one shares certain proprietary intellectual property which, in cases of great global game-changer apps which are properly configured and failsafe protected, are intelligently designed to be fatal/explosively self destructive to abusive parties/free-lancing pirate privateers lurking as beneficial sugar daddy state sponsors, if abused.
However, the one saving grace which avoids any of that sort of unpleasantness, is that at such levels of intelligence play, do abusive parties not exist because great global gamers be fully aware of the consequences of thinking to abuse such powerful proprietary intellectual property and there be special arrangements in place to ensure that the problem disappears before it arises and never appears/materialises/virtualises.
Be careful out there in CyberSpace and in Virtual Team Terrain. IT takes no prisoners nor suffers fools who be tools of collapsing corrupt admin systems.
And these be novel times in paranoid places and really weird surreal spaces, which one needs to be able to recognise and handle in order to control and driver the madness that is reality ....... ?!:-)
cc Bong Ventures re Virtual Reality Applications
bcc Thames House and Loughside/Palace Barracks re Titanic Quarter Master Pilot AIMissions