Bong for DG!
He can't be any worse than the current stand-in clown - Tim Davie or whatever he's called.
"Our purpose is to ensure that literature and art fit well into the whole revolutionary machine as a component part, that they operate as powerful weapons for uniting and educating the people and for attacking and destroying the enemy, and that they help the people fight the enemy with one heart and one mind." - Mao Tse Tung …
as opposed to ominously prophetic. The "Community Investment Catapult" now seems inevitable, as does seeing 9/10ths of the BBC revenues go into consultancies and focus groups rather than compelling programming.
Perhaps the author of these pieces (Orlowski?) would care to bring a little goodness & sunshine back from his next time machine foray?
Title says it all folks, you know you have a problem when it becomes difficult to separate fantasy from reality and Mr. Bong seems to have reached that critical mass. ...... Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 16th November 2012 16:10 GMT
The mistake that most ordinary folk make and which makes life more difficult and even a problem for them, is to not realise that fantasy and reality are as a flash crash and unbeatable tag team which cannot be separated from each other for they are inextricably linked to and driver each other.
And yes, the BBC have lost the plot and UKGBNI are in dire straits need of a considerably smarter Media Director General.
"I miss the commentards who didn't understand this is a piss-take column..." ... IHateWearingATie Posted Friday 16th November 2012 17:31 GMT
Crikey, and there were we thinking it was an Advanced Intelligence Server Service for Steganographic Supply of Sensitive CodedD XSSXXXX Information to Virtual Machine Field AIgents.