Re: Google taking over the military...
Google taking over the military... If they could be turned, they would be a powerful ally... :) .... C Yates Posted Friday 5th October 2012 20:35 GMT
And almighty anonymous and invisible intangible and invincible foe, too, C. Whom would one supply that algorithm to, for their turning?
And do not for one second think that that is not a valid and quite specific question, seriously asked, in order to identify an organisational being, and even beings if you can think of a number and collection of them, whom you, the members of supposedly intelligent races and masses, might consider to be worthy enough to be SMARTR enabled and made capable of drivering the servering of such a colossus of an enigmatic quest ...... JSON and ARGonaut Task?
Or perhaps IT should be left to Internet Controllers wielding the Power of Novel Ideas and Global Operating Devices in Live Operational Virtual Environments building Future Worlds with Communicating Machinery, as touched upon and revealed to El Reg in the NEUKlearer Future GCHQ Problem Solver post, for Google may not be well enough intellectually equipped to make the transition from specific search engine to creative reality driver, and one mustn't forget that the Exotic and Erotic East has the likes of a Yandex and Baidu who most probably also would benefit greatly from the shared wisdom of Internet Controllers wielding the Power of Novel Ideas and Global Operating Devices in Live Operational Virtual Environments building Future Worlds with Communicating Machinery
Well, be honest with yourself, you don't actually think that the likes of Bletchley Park Research and Development of Systems Analysis for Presentation of Facts to Create via Virtual Means and IT Memes, Reality with a Grand Universal and AIMagical Mystery Turing Machine ©™ Providing Leads which IT Follows, would ever have been abandoned and dismantled over half a century ago, whenever it had proven itself so spectacularly effective against and in the field of madness that is the planning and waging of wars and destructive conflict, do you? Are you mad, for that would have been a certifiable madness indeed?
And there you all were, probably not thinking at all about what GCHQ are now doing with Internet Controllers and enterprising dot orgs and ARGonauts ....... Heavy MetaDataBase JSONic Pioneers who would be Virtual Machinery Pathfinder Drivers ............. and Creative Source Loded Nodes/Spaces of CyberIntelAIgent Information Exchange for Internet Explorers who would be AI and SMARTR Browser Systems Programmers/Programs/Projects.