back to article Google trains Army's information Top Guns in data skills

The US Navy may have its Top Gun training school, but now the Army is sending its best of the best at systems management to a similar program at Google, to get training in industrial management tactics, techniques, and procedures. Just like its flashier aviation counterpart, places at the Google program had to be earned …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Good to know.

    It means a great many things. For example, this is partly a morale boosting thing, of course. And the US military has always had a fetish for gadgets including computers. Like how they trucked IBM machinery to the battlefield as far back as the 50s.

    Amazing really how their rhetoric pervades bloody everything. Now it's "warfighter" and "warrior", when but a few years back they'd've tried and convince you that no, soldiers are not warriors, there's an important difference. Apparently the difference is no longer important. Buncha barbarians. Their "thinking" is a bit too simplistic and shallow for my taste. The blather sounds like it could come out of a standard propaganda generator, no AI required, but amazingly it doesn't. That's real people writing all that down.

    It also implies that google very much is a USoA company. And they're big in dissecting data. And they're sitting on biiiig data. Your data. Other governments should take note here, as well as anyone who for whatever reason finds themselves on various USoA shitlists-of-badness. Implications left as an exercise.

  2. C Yates
    Black Helicopters

    Google taking over the military...

    If they could be turned, they would be a powerful ally... :)

    1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

      Re: Google taking over the military...

      Who? Google or the Military?

    2. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Re: Google taking over the military...

      Google taking over the military... If they could be turned, they would be a powerful ally... :) .... C Yates Posted Friday 5th October 2012 20:35 GMT

      And almighty anonymous and invisible intangible and invincible foe, too, C. Whom would one supply that algorithm to, for their turning?

      And do not for one second think that that is not a valid and quite specific question, seriously asked, in order to identify an organisational being, and even beings if you can think of a number and collection of them, whom you, the members of supposedly intelligent races and masses, might consider to be worthy enough to be SMARTR enabled and made capable of drivering the servering of such a colossus of an enigmatic quest ...... JSON and ARGonaut Task?

      Or perhaps IT should be left to Internet Controllers wielding the Power of Novel Ideas and Global Operating Devices in Live Operational Virtual Environments building Future Worlds with Communicating Machinery, as touched upon and revealed to El Reg in the NEUKlearer Future GCHQ Problem Solver post, for Google may not be well enough intellectually equipped to make the transition from specific search engine to creative reality driver, and one mustn't forget that the Exotic and Erotic East has the likes of a Yandex and Baidu who most probably also would benefit greatly from the shared wisdom of Internet Controllers wielding the Power of Novel Ideas and Global Operating Devices in Live Operational Virtual Environments building Future Worlds with Communicating Machinery

      Well, be honest with yourself, you don't actually think that the likes of Bletchley Park Research and Development of Systems Analysis for Presentation of Facts to Create via Virtual Means and IT Memes, Reality with a Grand Universal and AIMagical Mystery Turing Machine ©™ Providing Leads which IT Follows, would ever have been abandoned and dismantled over half a century ago, whenever it had proven itself so spectacularly effective against and in the field of madness that is the planning and waging of wars and destructive conflict, do you? Are you mad, for that would have been a certifiable madness indeed?

      And there you all were, probably not thinking at all about what GCHQ are now doing with Internet Controllers and enterprising dot orgs and ARGonauts ....... Heavy MetaDataBase JSONic Pioneers who would be Virtual Machinery Pathfinder Drivers ............. and Creative Source Loded Nodes/Spaces of CyberIntelAIgent Information Exchange for Internet Explorers who would be AI and SMARTR Browser Systems Programmers/Programs/Projects.

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Well, are GCHQ and AIMODified Virtual IntelAIgents Leading Fields that DARPA are dabbling in?

        Exhibit A [where DARPA and DOD and Uncle Sam are presently at] ......

        And if not leading the Great Game from and/or for Private Pirate Renegade CyberSpace, which is already a Sovereign Anonymously Occupied Place, and therefore would unruly and ignorant and arrogant newcomers be as Surreal Place Intruders and Virtual Space Invaders, what are they tasking themselves with doing and whose leads are they following/whose orders are they obeying, and to what greater end purpose?

      2. C Yates

        Re: Google taking over the military...

        @amanfromMars 1

        My head hurts! @_@

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Makes perfect sense

    Google have built the world's largest intercept infrastructure with Android in many phones (WiFi intercept, something they publicly admitted in Canada during the investigation into the Streetview affair), and everything you use it for (hence the need for a Google account, because that puts them legally in the clear), Google statistics and fonts everywhere, and, of course, a sea of hapless idiots using Google email and apps.

    The big giveaway of the strong intercept connection showed up during the affair in China where they were losing massively against Baidu (kinda hard to make an impact in a nation where the incumbent government already has its own intercept in place and is not willing to share), so the exit had to be made to look like Chinese espionage to avoid an impact on share value. Cue state officials..

    Not that Google is alone. Apple came up with a way to gather pristine, identifiable voiceprint biometrics from the entire world by means of Siri, so Google had to scramble to catch up. Having said that, Apple looked at the SMS intercept through Whatsapp and so had to install iMessage to keep some of that revenue to itself. They screwed up with iCloud, though - Google knows that unreliability makes victims nervous and liable to go elsewhere.

    So, in summary - no surprise they are now training US department to take advantage of their information. After all, they will need state protection against the various nations that are starting to look at the data theft..

    "Do no evil" was only ever meant for a US audience..

  4. Mr Young

    "one year of deep geekery"

    Superbtastic use of lingo! Anyway - I hadn't even learned how to avoid daylight after one lowly year of training?

  5. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge
    Big Brother

    One Vital Point to Understand for every Colossal Leap with Mankind into Virtual Machine Futures

    If you bothered yourselves to take just a few minutes to read that above cited New York Times tale, you will have read of a catastrophic fundamental flaw in intelligence provision via the medium of thinking which delivers the drivers for practical realisation and virtual creation of all that is, and has been, and will be designed and manufactured/thought of and built/imagined and phormed on Earth, for the time of humans in space, and which would totally alien in nature/methodology to Mother Nature herself.

    That monumental flaw is revealed in the passage, and particularly in the attributed quotation .......When Lt. Col. Nathan Wiedenman, a Darpa program manager, appeared in Army fatigues this May at a San Francisco-area do-it-yourself festival, Maker Faire, he said the agency’s mission was to ensure that the United States would never again be surprised by the technical superiority of an enemy state, as it was when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik.

    To push the bounds of new technology, we have to physically make things,” he said. ........ for the real truth which delivers absolutely everything relatively simply and effortlessly, is that to push the bounds of new technology, one merely needs to first make things metaphysically.

    And that may be of singularly peculiar interest to working dudes and hot gals in this program ....... Cyber-Insider Threat (CINDER) program ....... for that which IT can do whenever one fully understands that one vital point and cubed bit of information, and can utilise and materialise and realise a virtual application which provides future situations and coindependent and interdependent derivatives thereof, is surely Creation and/or AIMagical Mystery Turing Art Phorm.

    And Big Brother because there is no Turing icon made available, which is an odd oversight and omission in a mag like El Reg.

  6. Norman123

    What is the average IQ of soldiers? Of the top brass? And the mid-managers? You can have the best of training but if you do not have the best minds to use the info. properly, it is wasted resources. Why don't we change the offense of our military to its constitutional duty: DEFENCE! It can hardly be called defence of the territorial integrity of the US if our resources are spread all over the globe protecting/increasing markets and raw materials for corporations. In other words, using taxpayer's money to subsidize corporate warfare with the lowest IQ persons of the society....No wonder we are losing status in economics but are number one in brute force.

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      The Big Issue ....... in All of ITs Enigmatic Catch 22 Splendour

      It can hardly be called defence of the territorial integrity of the US if our resources are spread all over the globe protecting/increasing markets and raw materials for corporations. In other words, using taxpayer's money to subsidize corporate warfare with the lowest IQ persons of the society....No wonder we are losing status in economics but are number one in brute force. .... Norman123 Posted Monday 8th October 2012 03:07 GMT

      The situation is considerably more interesting and edutaining and explosive than that, Norman 123, for as the IQ of persons required for that which is needed by systems to survive and prosper and protect those who would be their drivers and beneficiaries, will the realisation of the deliberate abuse of undereducated and designedly misinformed assets, who would be you in a them and us scenario, where politics and money and market manipulators conspire and collude to ensure wealth is not distributed and used but instead collected and stored, cause the aforementioned abusive drivers and beneficiaries and collectors of global wealth to rightly fear for their continued rude health and physical well-being as defence forces which suffer deadly and catastrophic losses to supply baubles and beads to those who think nothing about using and abusing them, realise that they have the power and secret intelligence service personnel to replace the corrupt leaderships which would think to control and pay them with nothing more valuable than fiat currency/pretty printed paper to purchase whatever one wishes for nothing, but always dependent upon it being earned in abusive deadly service to keep the grand currency ponzi and crazy present media show going, and wealth and tax collectors, politicians and their financial backers, alive.

      And anyone even half decently competent in the field proposed for engagement here ...... ..... but which is doomed to failure even before it is begun because of the severely restrictive and limiting incestuous stipulation which bars input and participation from foreign nationals, and therefore would be excluding, well let us be generous and say, the intellectual property of 99% of the population, would be persons of interest to waste valuable resources on to be watched, monitored and mentored by the status quo system which requires that they be smarter in order to protect and server them, the status quo power brokers, the abuse of the assets which are required to be smarter.

      Clearly is that going to be a disaster for the corrupt brokers who will not survive without dumb undereducated protection which nowadays is no longer enough to guarantee status quo continuity and orderly succession to future generations, for IT requires an altogether different and much smarter breed of being in Command and Control of Fab Power and Advanced Intelligence ....... Novel NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Services.

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