Shiver me timbers
Lovin the fact that El Reg has gone all piratey on ITLAPD
top job me hearty
GCHQ, the nerve centre for UK eavesdropping spooks, has launched a new attempt to persuade tech-savvy Brits to defend their nation rather than seek lucrative employment in private companies. Officials at the Government Communications Headquarters are after potential cyber spooks aged 16 and over who are not already working in …
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It is an indisputable fact, that no amount of delusional fiction will alter, that you cannot defend or corrupt and take down a system or systems with systems, if you do not know how to defeat and corrupt and take down systems, and whenever you know how to defeat and corrupt and take down such as are then vulnerable systems, [and it is always wise to assume that all systems have easily exploited vulnerabilities], is it much more sensible and certainly considerably more lucrative to replace the established compromisable system with something new and completely different which has everyone leading, thinking and starting afresh with novel ideas ....... with no past baggage/unfair advantage/inequitable impediment to blight the present as it with IT and media collusion delivers new future programs with smarter drive protocols/significantly higher standards.
As you can imagine, do such systems as would be currently running to any rigged and dodgy advantage do practically nothing to address the situation, and would even try to resist and curtail fundamental change and fundamental discussion and information exchange on probably perceived as radical change to a traditional position in evident decline and obvious increasing distress. But such radicality is the progress which is needed for New Beginnings in SMARTR Futures, Virtual Venturing into @Lien Territory.
Are there many bots, AC, which recognise that it is a waste of everyone's time in space to reply to smart ass comments .... and I have no idea who amanfrommars is.
And would such as would then probably definitely maybe be SMARTR bots, be classified ..... Sentient Beings.
And if GCHQ can't parse this simple comment thread correctly, then is Blighty buggered as a leading light in anything futuristic and compelling. And yes .... this would be an IMPertinent challenge to them to impress their peer audience and reviewing panellists here, there and everywhere, for they have singularly disappointed of late practically in all virtual fields of engagement.
And failure is always because of a lack of intelligence in those and that fronting for intellectual property suppliers right at the front of the resultant gravy train.
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