The guy was probably using google maps as a GPS
"Turn Right now"
what? SHIIIIIIIIII-------
A brief vid has popped up on YouTube purportedly showing a pranged Street View spymobile in northern India. A still showing the crashed Street View car in a rocky gorge The 22-second clip also features someone venting his spleen at the Great Satan of Mountain View by lobbing rocks at the wrecked Orwellian black Opel, as you …
No. No, it wasn't.
For two reasons:
1) Google don't have (nor have they ever claimed to have) 'self drive cars that never have accidents'
2) Any self-drive cars Google do have are being tested in San-Francisco and, more recently, Nevada. Incidentally, they appear to be performing very well.
Some might argue that the self-driving car was jumping the gun when they've still to invent the self-typing keyboard that never posts retarded comments...
Was your sense of humour surgically removed and replaced with heavy doses of smugness and self-righteous delusions of grandeur?
I mean... you're commenting on a semi-humorous article on The Register. You're not providing peer review in a scientific journal.
That high horse... best come down off it before you break your fool neck.
I read that headline as "Google Street View skymobile crashes spectacularly". Only twigged when I realized it was an Astra in the picture and not some kind of light aircraft which is what I was expecting.
I'm a little disappointed, if I'm honest, but oh well.
Wonder how fast they were going? If they were taking pictures, I would expect them to be going slowly, unless they were fleeing an anti-Google mob...
"I'm a little disappointed, if I'm honest, but oh well."
I was expecting something like what you see in an old movie...
Through the guardrail, down a steep embankment, driver jumps at the last second before the car goes off a cliff (it he is the good guy), bursts into flame, crashes into the rocks at the bottom, then explodes, and explodes a few more times just to make sure.
This was hardly spectacular.
The car does look a little small compared to the driver, but humans have an annoying habit of not being a standard size.
More importantly - where is the car supposed to have come from? The camera man is stood on a narrow ridge. Is the car supposed to have fallen off the ridge, or driven up the other side at high speed?
it's an Astra. You can kill it with paintballs or Nerf bullets.
W.r.t the location, was probably stolen and driven there for a bit of "off-roading" by the tea-leaves.
Has anyone ever attacked the cameras on the Google cars with a paintball gun?
Spray cans? Plastic bag pulled over the cameras?
Am I giving someone ideas? :-)
"May I recommend Heckler & Koch MP5 compact version. Can be kept in the glove compartment. This also very nice, Fabrique Nationale P90, has patented linear magazine, very maniable"
Both MP5 and P90 are available to you in "Far Cry", which, if it weren't for a few nasty bugs that CryTech was never able to squash, might be the best FPS ever released.
Then again, the P90's in my Gibson ES-137P were very very nice too.
A bit dated.
H&K has an MP-7 which fires a smaller round yet at a higher velocity. Depending on the projectile, you can easily penetrate body armor and metal.
With respect to FN, you want the P92 which is the full auto version. And you'll want the steel core rounds which again are capable of penetrating body armor.
Then there's the Kris which fires s .45 ACP round.
All are limited to military and LE purchases, so maybe stick with a tried and true M1 which fires 8 rounds of .30-'06? (While not a PDF... still fun to shoot.)
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...which is a bit tricky when written down, granted. If the h is dropped (try saying "An 'oly cow" in your finest Terry Jones accent) it would be written as 'An holy cow' - just as you would say "I'll be there in an 'our" but write 'I'll be there in an hour'.
(I'm assuming you don't actually pronounce the h in hour...)
"A historic occasion" sounds great in received pronunciation but crap in cockney: "An historic occasion" is vice versa.
The only time to haul people up on it is when they write 'an herb'. Not because it's wrong per se, but because it means they say "an 'erb" and therefore need a good slapping on general principle.
</phonetic pedant>
Oh please say it was stolen and still recording, can you imagine the evidence?
"At this point your honour the vehicle was travelling at 72.39mph on a heading of 145'30" narrowly missing the home of Mrs Gupta who was composing an email to her daughter.....", "Unfortunately we were unable to identify any of the people who stole the car or those who were passed on the way, though it is believed one road-side witness may have had a horses head."
who thinks its funny to smash stuff up? Ok , the cars off the road but does the idiot in the video really think he's clever or amusing by throwing rocks at it - has he only just evolved from a chimp or what? It amazes me with the sheer number of morons on this planet how any social evolution ever managed to happen.