New Forum Wishlist - but read roadmap first
I have closed the original New forum Wishlist - and boiled it down (and added some stuff) to the things we will do, the things we might do, the things we are unlikely to do and the things we won't do. Here is our roadmap. There are no timescales as we have a lot of other stuff on our plate.
El Reg forums roadmap - no time scales
Inbox to inform you if your account is upgraded, if suspended etc. Give users chance to reply to moderators via this mechanism
Ability to view replies to self via my posts view
Badges to indicate levels of accounts / moderators
Formatting: introduce line breaks, bullet points, blockquote, superscript, subscript
Most recent 50 posts view
Demote "closed" topics so that they always appear underneath "open" topics
Stats view - most popular topic, etc.
Enable editing posts - 10 minute window for all [DONE - Oct 2013]
One page - up vote / down vote [DONE - Oct 2013]
Possible inclusions for roadmap
html formatting bar in post comments form
Ignore / Follow - individual commenters
Nesting - three-level nesting, default or optional. Jury still out
View from last read /last post. We think this is useful, but we haven't yet figured out how best to do this
Notifications when someone directly replies to your post or to the thread. Via email or forum in-box? And what if there are dozens of responses to the thread?
Possibles - but only if El Reg forums get very big
Commentard to Commentard communication via forums
Invite-only forums / topics
Kharma-ish system have to balance rewards with attempts to game whatever system we come up with
Ability to order comments by popularity - again this could be gamed
Not on roadmap
User-defined avatars - we don't want to have to store avatars, or vet them, or get angry if someone changes avatar to something abusive.
Log-in via third parties - e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Disqus, Linked-in