Welcome Back,
It's a wonderful day today - nothing could spoil my mood, with the prospect of a long Easter weekend with nothing more to do but eat junk food and catch up with hours of TV watching. My good mood swells even further when I stumble upon a wadge of banknotes taped to the underside of a drawer in my former supervisor's desk. …
"they're quite obviously the result of some extortion scheme that I was not a party to and for which my share of the profits had been withheld..." ..... :-) You just gotta admire that sort of constructive antipodean half logic. Without it, life would be just so dull and boring.
Now to utilise a most unlikely new pet agent, is par for the diplomatic expert in IT Control of Slashed Slush Funded matters, and that is a very active and extremely lucrative present field, I'd wager, given current petrified and compromised market conditions/failed schemes and scams in Old World Chaos.
The mind boggles at what's coming next, Simon. :-) Friday's are so much better after a BOFH Fix.
I never look at the usernames of the authors who've wrote a post.... so when I'm reading though the thread of comments I usually get to one and think what the fuck is this guy going on about... then I see it's written by amanfrommars and think "Ahhh"!
He does appear to be getting better though. At least not everything starts with a capital letter anymore!
He's back! Mmmmmwhaahahahahahahahahahahahaaahaaaaaah! MUAH-hahahahahahahahahaah!
The BOFH is back and on the job!
This more than makes up for my losing out on eight hours' wages and $20 of mileage today. What with not drinking alcohol and all, I was set up for a surly afternoon, but the Bastard is Back, so all is right with the Dark Side.
Good to see Simon back. The PFY really should have known better than to presume that the cash was a simple 'discovery'. He should've sequestered the goods somewhere within the building and hidden a bunch of rubbish in his boot - then Simon would have looked a right tit (and a left teste, for that matter,) when he accused him of stealing money.
This is what happens when you presume the BOFH is dead. Unless you saw the corpse, blew his brains out personally and cremated the remains, he's not dead. Did he learn nothing from his master?
Felt a weak episode, though I was suspicious before about whether the BOFH plotted the thing with the sheds in its entirety beforehand (rather elaborate) but this just can't be planned in advance surely? Someone has to be screwing over the PFY and there is only one person ideal for the job. I'm curious about the plot but it isn't making me laugh as hard as I'm used to.
And yes the bundles of cash were damned obvious. You'd think the PFY was an ameteur.
Failed to put the (fake) beancounter in the wheelie-bin, with the help of the OV cattle-prodder. Tape-safe, of course. Halogen full-chat. Elf 'n' safty drill. "we have 'em every Friday, squire. Takes about 3 hours lunchtime-ish, dunnit...We're pack from the bub in good thyme to turn it off."
THEN, he'd chucked the dosh out the window, into a well-lined with shredder paper'd skip, in a nicely-pre-provided cardboard box (containing CEO's laptop, natch), using the space for the wedge where the instruction manuals should've fitted. True PFY's don't EVER RTFM. If God doesn't, why should they??
Pop downstairs to retrieve it before the council binmen get there, and they assume it's an unseasonal easter Bonus.