People follow Vodafone? No wonder people think twitter's rubbish if that's how they use it. :)
Vodafone had a burst of Friday-afternoon fever with a tweet informing the world that its weekend plans involved purely heterosexual attractions. The tweet in question was sent just before four this afternoon, and was followed by a rush of apologies that are still swamping the VodafoneUK twitter channel. The offending tweet has …
Given that you can use an apostrophe to replace letters as well as indicate the possessive, "homo's" could be a short form of "homosexuals". Twitter does encourage brevity after all.
It was interesting seeing the Vodafone feed after the vent when customer service caught up, identical messages twittered @world, presumably to everyone who complained. I suspect they were trying to fill the feed with apologies and make it hard to find the original text.
If you're gonna make it a last day bombshell, as speculated, and live to the whole world (those that give a monkey's about the hour-to-hour babblings of a corporate entity, at least) then make a bloody effort!
Dont even get Me start'd on the twitters' lack of Capitalisation and abuse of apostrophy's!
Companies like Vodafone should be banned from using twitter and the likes of services like youtube. Have you noticed these web services are all great -initially- but once the stupid corporates all jump on the bandwagon and "add their corp presence" they completely ruin them.
So, sombeodys "job" at Vodafone is to monitor a twitter account? How utterly sad and shows how low they go just to mooch with people. Perhaps if they answered their PHONES in the first place this trash wouldn't be necessary.
Guys, there has been a massive misunderstanding with this.
The original message mentions "homo's" and "beaver" - this means the chap is bored of homo sapiens and is looking for some animal sex with a river beaver (we recently re-introduced these into the wild up north in Bonnie Scotland you may recall). Wild Beavers are known for their cleanliness especially, and home sapiens are not know for the same, thus the reference to "dirty".
However ... this revelation about 'beaver sex' is obviously now at a whole different level to the accusations of gay-bashing which is far more accepted in society.