Uh oh, no more crazy rants for me
It appears I really am just a peasant, I was hoping I was just exaggerating, but apparently it is true. The US already has laws like this but they tend to just keep the media from covering the demonstrations, not arresting people sparking them via blogs and such. But then again, what do I really know? Maybe they do but the media just doesn't talk about it, for the greater good and all ;P Things change with time, hopefully the nuts in charge wise up and realize that knee jerk crazy reactions that are crazier than the crazies they are hoping to keep under control is a crazy and impossible task.
Wait 10-20 years for the terrified-of-change, and the unknown future, old crazies in charge to die, then things will sane up a bit. Damn Baby Boomers (any non crazy boomers not included of course).
It's the hoodies/commies/socialists/liberals/kids/everyone-that-isn't-as-scared-as-me's fault!!! The signs of the apocalypse are there, crap your pants like me or you're obviously in league with the Anti-Christ!!!
Crazy Freaks who are in charge of the world right now are why things are as crazy as they are.
Uh oh, this was a crazy rant, gonna pack up and run to my compound/hovel in the woods!
*grabs jacket and slams door behind him*
It's the one that I won't describe so I can secret myself past the cameras in the streets (US has them too, just not as many... yet :P)
Not sure why I bother going anonymous either, everything that goes cross border is Carnivored(tm) :P HOORAY for the paranoid policing the paranoid!