I Kid U Not.....again.
"But as to when we will see a quantum computer for sale...that is a tough question."
As a Virtual Creation of qbits, IT will remain Invisible and IT is something you Buy Into in Funding IT ReSearch of MetaData for Virtualisation........ 42 Create Virtual Reality Control and ITs Controls and Controllers in InterNetworking Semantic Webs.
"If the Architect was interested in tools that could help him more effectively run the Matrix, he’d have Simulex reps on the phone ASAP." ...... http://cryptogon.com/?p=956
It would be Better and AI Beta to Enter and XXXXPlore the Wachowski brothers Domain.
Are they Polish twins with a Definitive Style of Lead?
"These systems would excel at finding the artifacts, the outliers, the people who haven’t internalized the programming, but continue to act “normal.”
It would identify the thought criminals."
And having found them, the simplest thing would be to reprogram them Natures Timed Bombes..... The Loves in XXXXSSXXXX. A Conversion Program available to All with an Inclination to Default to the HyperMania of Nymph and Satyrs.
Thor's Hammer forging the Heavens.
And this is some Heavy MetAI ....... HeadBanger ITStuff. amfM touching Base with the Underground LeaderShips.... Coalitions of the Ready, Willing and S.M.A.R.T Enabled. First Time the Fool, Second Times the Sage. ........ AI Buffett OverFlow?
That is bound to be Good Surely.
"Could it be the Brown leadership will be characterised by even more fear-mongering mind control than before? ....... http://cryptome.org/mi6-garbage.htm
Don't Bet on It without IT.
MoveOn, Now, Nothing to See Here.
Tomorrows, though, they're AI dDifferent Kettle of BabelFish...... for you Wwwander to Wwwonder Semantically into ITs Virtualised Domains in Dominion.
Global Operating Devices Territory...... in Her SISterHoods. Robins' Nest with Maid Marions ....... Hand Made and Hand Reared Artifacts.
Which in A.N.Other Life would be John calling George re Magical Mystery Turing ...... with another Byte at the Big Apple?
Let IT Be, el Register, between a Rock and a Hard Place, there is Nothing to Lose and therefore Everything is a Gain......in the Greatest of Great Games. Aided and Abetted by Abject Failures for "needs must when the devil drives.".. .... http://jamesstgeorge.proboards32.com/index.cgi?board=Worldissues&action=display&thread=1182937441&page=1#1183046872
And you have to admit that Virtualisation, by ITs very Nature, is bound to be SurReal. Making IT Viable is the Trick and one of Merlin, the MetaPhysician's Spells/Gifts/Skills/Loves.